This Lent we invite you to write prayers to share, as we help one another along our Lenten journeys of prayer and self-reflection. These prayers will be shared on a weekly basis in our eNews and online.
Email Rev. Heidi at to sign up for a particular week. You will receive a reminder the week before. Rev. Heidi will compile the prayers, and they will be shared in the following week’s eNews and online (website and Facebook). Take inspiration from the readings for the Sunday that you are signing up for, which can be viewed here - - or by clicking the links below.
First Sunday in Lent (deadline Feb. 13)
Second Sunday in Lent (deadline Feb. 20)
Third Sunday in Lent (deadline Feb. 27)
Fourth Sunday in Lent (deadline March 5)
Fifth Sunday in Lent (deadline March 12)
Holy Week (deadline March 19) – reflect on any readings from Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, or Holy Saturday
Prayers can be written like a poem or journal entry, or you could follow a traditional Anglican form of prayer, the “collect.” Collects are short prayers used in common worship – for example, there is a collect for each Sunday and Holy Day in the church year (Traditional Language, BCP 159; Contemporary Language, BCP 211). Collects are typically one sentence, with punctuation separating three parts:
1. Attribute: a statement of who God is (describes what God has done in the past that aligns with what you will ask God do)
2. Ask: how we are asking God to help us
3. Amen: typically proceeded by a trinitarian form (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)
[1 – Attribute] Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: [2 – Ask] Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; [3 – Amen] who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
You can take the above format and be creative with it, or let your words be more freeform. Be in touch with Rev. Heidi if you have questions or would like input in the prayer writing process.