
Baptisms, Weddings, & Funerals

It is our honor to accompany people through all of life’s transitions, from the overflowing joy of weddings and baptisms, to the life-honoring solemnity of a loved one’s funeral.

Baptism, Confirmation, & Reaffirmation of Faith

A life of faith is full of many new “beginnings,” including baptism (initiation into the life of faith), confirmation (a mature commitment to one’s faith), and reaffirmation (for those who have turned a new page in their faith journey). Please contact one of our clergy if you or your loved one are interested in taking one of these steps forward in faith.


In the Episcopal tradition, most candidates for Baptism are young children. The baptized child or adult becomes a member of the community of Christ, through an affirmation of faith, the support of the church community, the elements of water and oil, and the blessing of the Holy Spirit. Every baptism requires a baptism class to prepare the candidate or their loved ones for this sacrament of initiation.

It is customary for baptisms to take place at certain times during the year:

• Baptism of the Lord (second Sunday of January)

• Easter Vigil (Saturday night before Easter Sunday)

• Pentecost (Fifty days after Easter)

• The Second Sunday of August

• All Saints (The first Sunday of November)

Confirmation, Reception & Reaffirmation

Christians make a mature commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism through the rites of Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation. Each of these rites vary slightly depending on where a person is at in their faith journey, though they all involve a public affirmation of faith with the laying on of hands by a bishop. The differences between these rites speaks to our rich and complex tradition! We are happy to talk more about them in formation classes, which are required of all candidates for confirmation, reception, and reaffirmation of faith. Contact one of our clergy for more information. It is customary for confirmation, reception, & reaffirmation of faith to take place at the Easter Vigil each year.


Any couple wishing to celebrate their wedding at Trinity in the Episcopal tradition of our church is welcome. Whether or not you are a member at Trinity, please contact one of our clergy so we can help you begin the process. Weddings can be scheduled throughout the year, except during Holy Week, the week after Easter, the week before Christmas, and on holidays. Contact the church at least six months in advance, but no sooner than eighteen months before the intended date of the wedding. Premarital counseling is required for all couples.

Guide to Weddings at Trinity >>


There are several different ways to honor the passing of a loved one, including a funeral service, a memorial service, a graveside service, or a columbarium service in which ashes are interred in our church’s columbarium.

Guide to Funerals at Trinity >>