How We Worship

Worship is how we connect with God, with one another, and with the deepest parts of ourselves. There are many opportunities to worship throughout the week.

Parishoners at Trinity Church Photo by Tony Bacewicz-50532.jpg

Sunday is traditionally the day when Trinity gathers for worship. At the various services offered each Sunday, you’ll encounter many different styles of worship, from formal rites with lots of singing of hymns, music and ritual to informal and relaxed services with more contemporary music.

Regardless of individuals’ church affiliations, Trinity encourages all to join in worship at any service. No matter who you are, how you’re dressed, or what your station in life, you’ll find others like yourself at each service and will feel welcomed and accepted as a participant.

Liturgy and Ritual

Trinity is a “liturgical” church; the structure of service forms and prayer from texts do not change greatly from week to week during the various seasons of the church year. Continuity gives worship a rhythm that becomes comforting and familiar to worshipers.

All services at Trinity are based on the Book of Common Prayer (BCP)—in use at all Episcopal Churches in the United States as well as in various forms within the worldwide Anglican Communion. The BCP’s structure gives worship a familiar feel, no matter which service you attend.

  • Each week Trinity offers Holy Eucharist, also known as the Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion or Mass.

  • At least twice a month, Trinity also offers Morning Prayer, a traditional form of worship that dates back to the earliest days of the Anglican church.

  • Monthly during the regular church year (mid-September through May), Trinity offers afternoon services—either Evensong or the Taizé form of worship.

Holy Eucharist


Holy Eucharist always has the same components and shape.

  • Open with prayer

  • Read from the Bible

  • Affirm faith by reciting the Nicene Creed

  • Offer prayers of the people—for the Church, the world, for those in need, for the sick; thank God for all the good things in life; pray for all who have died

  • Greet one another with a sign of “peace”

  • Celebrate the Eucharist by taking, blessing, breaking and sharing the Gifts of God

  • Dismiss into the world to serve Christ.

What do we believe about Eucharist?

At the Last Supper, Christ shared bread and wine at a sacred meal with his disciples. He identified the bread with his body and the wine with his blood of the new covenant. Jesus commanded his disciples to “do this” in remembrance of him.

The Episcopal Church holds that Christ’s body and blood are really present in the sacrament of the Eucharist. Episcopalians do not define how Christ is present. They accept that He is, as part of the mystery of faith.

Who can receive communion?

At Trinity, we know that it is Christ who extends the invitation to his meal. Therefore, ALL are welcome to receive Holy Eucharist here, no matter what your church affiliation or where you are in your faith journey.

Morning Prayer

At the 11:00 am service (10:00 am during the summer), usually on two Sundays per month, Trinity celebrate Morning Prayer. Trinity has chosen to maintain the tradition of Morning Prayer as one of its service offerings. Trinity choirs help embellish this beautiful Anglican tradition.



Since the late middle ages, “Evensong” has been the popular name for vespers (from the Latin vesperis, “evening”), the Evening Office of the western church. This service is generally more meditative and contemplative in nature. Evensong is sung monthly, usually by Trinity’s Choir of Men and Boys or the Choir of Men and Girls, throughout the regular year—mid-September through May.


On other Sunday evenings through the regular year Trinity offers Taizé (pronounced Teh-ZAY) worship—an ecumenical, peaceful way to pray, using (easy to learn) musical chants, silent meditation, and scripture readings. Typically sung by Trinity’s Choir of Men and Girls, the service includes candlelight, prayers, readings, silence, and soft music with repetitive words. The service offers a meaningful and focused way for you to center on the Lord.