This Sunday: Choral Evensong

Join for Choral Evensong this Sunday at 5 p.m. celebrating the Eve of the Feast of St. Matthias. The Schola will sing music by Margaret Burk, Charles Villiers Stanford, and Roderick Williams. All are welcome!

Augie SeggerComment
Lent Devotionals 2025

Our invitation for Lent Devotionals this year is to share a short reflection about something you believe in, to the core of your being. Take your cue from scripture, or from the ways you experience God in everyday life. Reflections will be shared on this page of our website, and on social media. Email to sign up.

We are looking for people to sign up to contribute a short piece of writing (150-250 words) for the following weeks.

We are hoping for at least one reflection each week:

  • Lent 1 | Deadline: on or before March 5

  • Lent 2 | Deadline: on or before March 12

  • Lent 3 | Deadline: on or before March 19

  • Lent 4 | Deadline: on or before March 26

  • Lent 5 | Deadline: on or before April 2

  • Holy Week | Deadline: on or before April 9

Some prompts to set you going:

  • I believe in love / joy / peace / patience / kindness… (fruits of the spirit, pick one; see Galatians 5:22-23)

  • I believe in the power of prayer

  • I believe in community

  • I believe that this too shall pass

  • I believe that all manner of things shall be well (St. Julian of Norwich)

  • I believe in hope

  • I believe in the power of music

  • I believe in forgiveness

  • I believe in justice

Augie SeggerComment
This Sunday: Taizé Worship

Join us this Sunday at 5 p.m. for a service of prayers and music from the Community of Taizé. Founded in 1940 by Brother Roger Schütz, Taizé is an ecumenical community of brothers in Burgundy, France, who commit themselves to lives of prayer, simplicity, and reconciliation. Each year they welcome over 100,000 young people to grow in their faith, and the simple repeated melodies of their chants knit together the bonds of communion both with each other and with God.

Augie SeggerComment
Join the Choristers' Novice Class

The Trinity music program is once again offering novice class for potential new choristers! Novices will rehearse every Tuesday from 4:30-5:30 p.m.

All choristers at Trinity receive a full scholarship which covers their tuition within the choir. They have access to regular singing and musicianship lessons as well as the opportunity to learn piano and potentially organ. However, being a chorister is about more than just singing; it’s about learning key life-skills such as team work, dedication, and organization. Alongside this, confidence grows as children become certain in their own abilities. Former Trinity choristers have gone on not only to professional careers in all styles of music, but also to lead worldwide companies.

Being a novice is the first step on the journey to choristership. Novices rehearse once a week in a special rehearsal which supports them as they learn the basic of being in the choir. When they are confident, they will join the full chorister rehearsals and partake fully in the musical and social life of the choir.

For more information about becoming a chorister, please email Director of Music Simon Lee.

Augie SeggerComment
Wednesday Club Resumes

The Wednesday Club is resuming its weekly meetings this week (February 19). Join us every Wednesday in the undercroft from 9:30-noon for fellowship and crafting. All are welcome!

Augie SeggerComment
Installation of Mary Barnett as Rector of Holy Trinity, Middletown

The Rev. Mary Barnett will be installed as the Rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Middletown, CT, on Tuesday, March 4, at 6 p.m. (381 Main Street, Middletown). Mary is a member and former choir parent of Trinity on the Green and was ordained to the priesthood in 2021. All Trinity parishioners are invited to attend and celebrate Mary as she begins her new ministry.

Augie SeggerComment
Important! IRIS Run Road Closures

Please be advised that the IRIS Run for Refugees 5K is taking place this Sunday, February 9, 2025, from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon, affecting travel routes to Trinity on the Green. Whitney Avenue and Orange Street, along with associated cross streets, will be closed from the Hamden line to Edwards Street during the event. Expect delays and detours in the surrounding area.

If approaching from the east, we recommend using:

  • Prospect Street to College Street

  • State Street to Church Street

Please plan accordingly and allow extra travel time. See you Sunday!

Augie SeggerComment
This Sunday: Choral Morning Prayer

Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. for our monthly celebration of Choral Morning Prayer. The Choristers and Schola will sing music by Margaret Burk, Ralph Vaughan Williams, and Moses Hogan. All are welcome!

Augie SeggerComment
Thank You, Book Doners!

Deacon Dinushka and Anna Hadfield, chaplains for Yale, thank all of you who purchased faith-themed books for children in Yale's Pediatric Unit back in November. "They will bring comfort and guidance and inspiration," writes Anna. Deacon Dinushka adds, "These books bring joy, faith, and truth to our little ones here and to their families." God bless you all!

Augie SeggerComment
Adult Education: Updated Schedule

Join us for seven weeks of exploring themes in the Psalms: wisdom, joy, music, anger, justice, and nature. Sessions will be lead by a variety of voices in our community. All are welcome.

See the updated schedule below:

February 9: Psalms and Anger – Lisa Levy

February 16: Psalms and Nature – Rich Walser

February 23: Psalms and Music – Simon Lee

March 2: Psalms and Joy – Luk De Volder

Augie SeggerComment
Trinity Book Group: The Heaven and Earth Grocery

The next Trinity Book Group meeting will take place via Zoom on Wednesday, February 26, at 7:30 p.m. We will be discussing The Heaven and Earth Grocery by James McBride. The novel begins in the 1970s and swings back to the 1920s and 30s to the Chicken Hill neighborhood of Pottstown, PA, to a community bound together by the links of love and duty.

If you would like to join the discussion, please contact Jennifer Briggs via email.

Augie SeggerComment
Can You Host Eat, Pray, Play?

Children, Youth & Family Ministry (CYFM) is looking for a family who may be interested in hosting this quarterly-ish event in early spring. Trinity's CYFM provides food, beverages, childcare and prayer activity; your family provides your home and welcomes 4-8 families to the gathering. Angela Arpino, director, can provide details if you have questions:

(203) 624-3101, ext. 105 |

Augie SeggerComment
Funeral for Jane Bartlett Kellogg

This Saturday, February 1, at 11 a.m., we will celebrate the life of beloved parishioner Jane Bartlett Kellogg. Jane was a very engaged and longtime member of Trinity on the Green. All parishioners are invited to the service.

O God of grace and glory, we remember before you this day our sister Jane. We thank you for giving her to us, her family and friends, to know and to love as a companion on our earthly pilgrimage. In your boundless compassion, console us who mourn. Give us faith to see in death the gate of eternal life, so that in quiet confidence we may continue our course on earth, until, by your call, we are reunited with those who have gone before; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



Augie SeggerComment
This Sunday: Choral Evensong

This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, also known as Candlemas. Join us for at 5 p.m. Choral Evensong sung by the Choristers and Schola, with music by Margaret Burk, Herbert Howells, and Ken Burton. All are welcome!

Augie SeggerComment
Celebrating Simon Lee & Sarah Johnson

At the installation of our new Director of Music, Simon Lee, and Associate Director of Music, Sarah Johnson, we were blessed with the gift of a new composition written by a member of our choir, Nathaniel Adam. He set the verses of Psalm 19 which were sung by the massed forces of our Choristers, Changing Voices, Schola and Parish Choir. Starting with a single voice, the music grows and grows as all the singers join together as, "their sound goes out into all lands." Thank you Nate, and congratulations Simon and Sarah!

Augie SeggerComment
2025 African American Read-In

Our 2025 African American Read-In will take place on Sunday, February 16, at 12 noon in the undercroft. It will be a continuation of the St. Luke's and Trinity's shared reading and discussion of Equal Justice Under Law, an autobiography by Constance Baker Motley. Sign up now or confirm your earlier sign up to Eleanor Tignor by February 2. Email

Augie SeggerComment
2024 Annual Report

Our 2025 Annual General Meeting will be held this Sunday, January 26. The meeting will begin in the nave right after the 10:30 service with the election of new Vestry members and other brief business, after which all are invited to proceed to the undercroft for a catered lunch and to hear reports from various leaders and committees of our community. In preparation for the meeting, please feel free to browse our 2024 Annual Report by clicking HERE.

Augie SeggerComment
Donuts & Divinity

On the first Sunday of each month from February until May, teens of our parish (12-18 year olds) are invited to join us for honest, casual conversations about faith with donuts (and fruit, for those who prefer!). Our conversations will be loosely focused on the themes of:

  • Scripture (Feb. 2)

  • Tradition (Mar. 2)

  • Reason (Apr. 6)

  • Experience (May 4)

On the topic of scripture: What parts of the Bible resonate with you? What parts don’t? What other written things have influenced how you think about God and faith (novels, poetry, manga, music)? Join Rev. Heidi and Seminarian Elishia McAllister for on the first Sunday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the undercroft.

Augie SeggerComment
YAE Winter & Spring Events

Our recent planning meeting led to a number of things to look forward to in the coming months. Mark your calendars for the following YAE events (for young adults ages 21 to 39ish). For more questions about YAE, talk to Rev. Heidi or email

Sunday, February 2, 12:45 p.m. – Prepare and serve food for Chapel on the Green

  • We will meet in Trinity’s undercroft at 12:45 p.m. to prepare sandwiches to serve at the 2 p.m. outdoor service. Diana Nunez will be bringing arepas, which we will warm and also serve.

  • Help at Chapel on the Green is especially helpful in the cold winter months, when volunteers can be scarce. Let us know if you plan on joining on Feb. 2! Reply to

  • Do you feel moved to preach that day? Sermons at Chapel on the Green are about 5 minutes long, extemporaneous. Be in touch with Heidi for more information:

Tuesday, March 4, 7:30 p.m. Archie Moore’s Trivia

  • A YAE favorite—food is on us!

Friday, April 4, 5:30 p.m. – Stations of the Cross

  • We will continue our annual tradition of walking the Stations of the Cross, set in a new outdoor location (TBD) in the community. Dinner to follow.

Sunday, May 4, 1 p.m. – Next planning meeting

  • Join us at Atticus Market on Orange. We’re hoping for good weather!

Augie SeggerComment