This Sunday: Family Worship Service

This Sunday we offer our monthly Family Worship Service in the undercroft. This kid-friendly service invites families and parishioners of all ages to gather in the Undercroft at 10:35 a.m. for our own version on Sunday worship. Children and adults are invited to participate as readers, musicians, and ushers. If a child in your life would like to help in some way, send Angela a note!

Augie SeggerComment
Nathan Laube Recital at Center Church

Center Church on the Green, New Haven, is delighted to bring in guests artists from around the world to play our wonderful Charles Fisk Opus 54 organ. We are excited to have Nathan Laube perform a celebrity organ recital on April 6, 2025 at 7:30 p.m. Nathan Laube is a leading performer and pedagogue who is beloved around the world, and is currently Associate Professor of Organ at the Eastman School of Music.

Ticket sales have begun. Please visit the Center Church website for more info!

Augie SeggerComment
St. Patrick's Day Parade Parking Advisory

The Greater New Haven St. Patrick's Day Parade takes place this Sunday, March 16. Please be advised that parking bans along the parade route will take effect at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday. If you plan to attend church services in person, we strongly recommend making arrangements for a quick exit after worship and allowing for significant travel delays both to and from Trinity. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate this busy and joyful day in our city.


Augie SeggerComment
Service of Lamentation & Healing Recap

This past Sunday we prayed together with St. Luke's Episcopal Church and members of the wider community, centering our prayers for racial lamentation, healing, and liberation around the stories of Lucy and Lois Tritton. Read more about this important history (revealed through the important work of local historian Jill Snyder), in this thoughtful article about our prayer service, written by Lucy Gellman for the New Haven Arts Paper.



Augie SeggerComment
Old Magazines and Books Needed!

Collage art pieces will be created by our children and teens this June, so we need your old magazines and books as art materials! Parishioner Hilary Opperman is a collage artist and will be sharing her talent with us for a special youth art installation this summer. Please bring your donations—which will be cut up by our young artists—to Angela Arpino. Questions? Email

Augie SeggerComment
Green Giant Arborvitae Need a Home

The two trees that have graced the front steps entryway over the winter are looking for a home. They are “Green Giant Arborvitae” shrubs, and will grow to about 10-12 feet. Express interest to the sexton. 

Augie SeggerComment
World Premiere: The Haven Mass

This Sunday, we will be premiere our Director of Music, Simon Lee's, new Mass setting written for the choirs, clergy, and congregation of Trinity on the Green. We are excited to be premiering newly written music, especially music which has been written especially for us by Simon! Join us this Sunday in person or online.

Augie SeggerComment
Lent Diaper Drive

We’ll be collecting diapers of all sizes for immigrant and refugee families in our local community. Bring your donations to church on Sunday and put them in a bin in the Narthex. Thank you for supporting all new parents and their babies with your diaper donations. Donate by March 31! Questions? Email

Augie SeggerComment
This Sunday: Choral Evensong

Join for Choral Evensong this Sunday at 5 p.m. celebrating the Last Sunday after Epiphany. The Schola will sing music by Anna Thomas, Margaret Burk, Orlando Gibbons, and Harold Darke. All are welcome!

Augie SeggerComment
Upcoming Spiritual Formation

Join us every Sunday in the undercroft library for our Spiritual Formation classes as we learn from one another through study and conversation. Note that several recent sessions have been rescheduled due to challenging winter weather in the month of February.

Continuing Series: The Psalms

  • Sunday, March 2 – Psalms and Joy, Luk De Volder

  • Sunday, March 9 – Psalms and Nature, Rich Walser

New Series: The Nicene Creed

  • Sunday, March 16 – Intro to the Nicene Creed, Heidi Thorsen

  • Sunday, March 23 – We Believe in God, Charles Lemert

  • Sunday, March 30 – We Believe in Jesus, Lisa Levy

  • Sunday, April 6 – We Believe in the Holy Spirit, Luk De Volder

  • Sunday, April 13 – end of season

Augie SeggerComment
Invitation: Preach at Seven Last Words Service

Whether you are a seasoned preacher or have never spoken in front of a crowd before, we invite you to prayerfully consider being a part of our Seven Last Words service on Good Friday (see scripture texts below). This service of music, silence, and reflection takes place from noon until 3 p.m. on Good Friday (April 18), ending with a symbolic commemoration of the hour Jesus died.

  • 1st Word (Luke 23:33-38) – “Father Forgive them…”

  • 2nd Word (Luke 23:39-43) – “Today you will be with me in Paradise”

  • 3rd Word (John 19:25-27) – “Woman, behold your son”

  • 4th Word (Matthew 27:45-50) – “Why have you forsaken me?”

  • 5th Word (John 19:28-29) – “I thirst”

  • 6th Word (John 19:30-34) – “It is finished”

  • 7th Word (Luke 23:44-49) – “Into your hands I commit my spirit”

Please reach out to Rev. Heidi if you are interested.

Augie SeggerComment
Spirit Questers Reach Out

At a recent Spirit Quest Youth Group gathering, two members created these cards for our older parishioners, some of whom can no longer attend regularly in person. If you know someone who would appreciate a hopeful card from a young person in our community, please contact Lisa Levy, our Community Care Minister.

Augie SeggerComment
This Sunday: Choral Evensong

Join for Choral Evensong this Sunday at 5 p.m. celebrating the Eve of the Feast of St. Matthias. The Schola will sing music by Margaret Burk, Charles Villiers Stanford, and Roderick Williams. All are welcome!

Augie SeggerComment
Lent Devotionals 2025

Our invitation for Lent Devotionals this year is to share a short reflection about something you believe in, to the core of your being. Take your cue from scripture, or from the ways you experience God in everyday life. Reflections will be shared on this page of our website, and on social media. Email to sign up.

We are looking for people to sign up to contribute a short piece of writing (150-250 words) for the following weeks.

We are hoping for at least one reflection each week:

  • Lent 1 | Deadline: on or before March 5

  • Lent 2 | Deadline: on or before March 12

  • Lent 3 | Deadline: on or before March 19

  • Lent 4 | Deadline: on or before March 26

  • Lent 5 | Deadline: on or before April 2

  • Holy Week | Deadline: on or before April 9

Some prompts to set you going:

  • I believe in love / joy / peace / patience / kindness… (fruits of the spirit, pick one; see Galatians 5:22-23)

  • I believe in the power of prayer

  • I believe in community

  • I believe that this too shall pass

  • I believe that all manner of things shall be well (St. Julian of Norwich)

  • I believe in hope

  • I believe in the power of music

  • I believe in forgiveness

  • I believe in justice

Augie SeggerComment
This Sunday: Taizé Worship

Join us this Sunday at 5 p.m. for a service of prayers and music from the Community of Taizé. Founded in 1940 by Brother Roger Schütz, Taizé is an ecumenical community of brothers in Burgundy, France, who commit themselves to lives of prayer, simplicity, and reconciliation. Each year they welcome over 100,000 young people to grow in their faith, and the simple repeated melodies of their chants knit together the bonds of communion both with each other and with God.

Augie SeggerComment
Join the Choristers' Novice Class

The Trinity music program is once again offering novice class for potential new choristers! Novices will rehearse every Tuesday from 4:30-5:30 p.m.

All choristers at Trinity receive a full scholarship which covers their tuition within the choir. They have access to regular singing and musicianship lessons as well as the opportunity to learn piano and potentially organ. However, being a chorister is about more than just singing; it’s about learning key life-skills such as team work, dedication, and organization. Alongside this, confidence grows as children become certain in their own abilities. Former Trinity choristers have gone on not only to professional careers in all styles of music, but also to lead worldwide companies.

Being a novice is the first step on the journey to choristership. Novices rehearse once a week in a special rehearsal which supports them as they learn the basic of being in the choir. When they are confident, they will join the full chorister rehearsals and partake fully in the musical and social life of the choir.

For more information about becoming a chorister, please email Director of Music Simon Lee.

Augie SeggerComment
Wednesday Club Resumes

The Wednesday Club is resuming its weekly meetings this week (February 19). Join us every Wednesday in the undercroft from 9:30-noon for fellowship and crafting. All are welcome!

Augie SeggerComment
Installation of Mary Barnett as Rector of Holy Trinity, Middletown

The Rev. Mary Barnett will be installed as the Rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Middletown, CT, on Tuesday, March 4, at 6 p.m. (381 Main Street, Middletown). Mary is a member and former choir parent of Trinity on the Green and was ordained to the priesthood in 2021. All Trinity parishioners are invited to attend and celebrate Mary as she begins her new ministry.

Augie SeggerComment