Last Sunday, January 14, the Episcopal Church in Connecticut celebrated the 175th anniversary of the abolition of slavery in Connecticut at Christ Church Cathedral. During the service, a sermon preached by the late Rev. Harold T. Lewis on the 150th anniversary of the founding of St. Luke's Episcopal Church was read. Representing St. Luke's at the reading of the sermon was Valarie Stanley, Senior Warden. Representing Trinity was Lucile Bruce and Dr. Robert Windom.
Join us for our monthly Family Worship Service this Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in the undercroft. This kid-friendly service invites families to gather for their own shorter version of Sunday worship. Children participate as readers, musicians, and ushers as we introduce them to our Episcopal way of worship. If your child would like to serve in one of these ministries, please contact Angela Arpino.
The Trinity Book Club will hold their next meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, January 16 at 7:30 p.m. We will be discussing The Music of the Bees by Eileen Garvin. All are welcome—email Jennifer Briggs to receive the Zoom link!
All are welcome to join our Community Life Meeting in the undercroft library following the 10:30 a.m. service on Sunday, January 21. This new meeting series will occur every other month and will include a variety of conversations about our common life (liturgical planning, community events, etc.).
Our January 21 meeting will focus on our plans for Lent 2024, including organizing weekly soup suppers at different homes (read more about this further down). To propose additional topics for conversation, email Rev. Heidi.
Starting January 24 and continuing every Wednesday until March 20 (excluding Ash Wednesday, February 14) we will embark on a meditative study of the love of God. What is it, how does it manifest itself, what does creation have to do with it, how do we return that love? There are many ways to approach the topic of the Love of God, or expressed in another way, God is Love. We will encounter various sources that help to better understand the action of God's love in our lives. Ilia Delio's book The Primacy of Love only has three chapters in it and they say it all: "Created out of Love, Created in Love, and Created for Love."
Here are some of the resources we will encounter:
The Gospel according to John
On Loving God by Bernard Clairvaux
Love is the Way by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
The Primacy of Love by Ilia Delio
A Case for Love, a documentary with Bishop Curry premiering on January 23
... and more!
It is not necessary to purchase these books; PDFs will be made available.
Meetings take place from 5-6 p.m., the Zoom links for which can be accessed in the calendar section of the eNews. Please email Lilian Revel to express your interest in participating.
Sign up to host a Lent Soup Supper! Trinity is organizing five home gatherings throughout the season of Lent. Hosts will welcome up to eight Trinity members (who have reserved in advance) for a dinner or lunch at their home. Hosts can pick a day of the week that works for them:
Tuesday at 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday at 5:30 p.m.
Thursday at 5:30 p.m. OR
Saturday at noon
Hosts provide a pot of soup and guests can bring sides, beverages, and desserts. Trinity will provide materials for a short prayer service to open the evening an an "icebreaker" question for more conversation during the meal.
Interested in hosting? Email Rev. Heidi!
The aim is to offer one lunch or dinner during each of the following weeks:
Lent 1 (Feb. 18-24): TBD
Lent 2 (Feb. 25-Mar. 2): TBD
Lent 3 (Mar. 3-9): TBD
Lent 4 (Mar. 10-16): TBD
Lent 5 (Mar. 17-23): TBD
This winter, read A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and join us for two discussions over dinner. These questions will include guided conversation focused on the first and second half of the book ... though no matter how much you have read, we hope you will come and reflect with us on our shared history and the history of slavery in the United States.
Part I: Friday, February 16 at 6 p.m. – St. Luke's (111 Whalley Ave.)
Part II: Monday, February 26 at 6 p.m. – Trinity (230 Temple St.)
Copies of the book are available free of charge. Email Rev. Heidi Thorsen to RSVP and receive a copy.
In anticipation of the impending winter storm, the city of New Haven has instituted a parking ban effective at midnight on Sunday, January 7. Parking, therefore, is limited to the Trinity apron and select parking garages, including:
Crown Street Garage (Crown St./College St.)
Temple Street Garage (1 Temple St)
Trinity has chaser tickets available for the Omni Hotel garage—ask an usher for one when you arrive at church. Please help us reserve the Trinity apron for parishioners and visitors with disabilities. Thank you.
While we expect our Sunday services and events to continue as planned, any alternations to the schedule will be communicated via e-blast, Facebook, and the Trinity website.
Please do not come to church if it is unsafe for you to do so. May the light of Epiphany shine brightly through these wintry days!
This Sunday, Trinity for the first time will partake in the Epiphany tradition of blessing the church doors. We will use chalk to inscribe the pattern "20 † C † M † B † 24" on the lintels of our doors to represent the hospitality of the Holy Family to the Magi. The letters C, M, and B could refer either to the traditional names of the Three Kings (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar) or the Latin blessing Christus mansionem benedicat ("May Christ bless this house").
Join us at 9:30 a.m. in the Undercroft to witness and learn more about this tradition! Rev. Luk will impart a special blessing as we chalk each of our doors. Later, children will disperse into age-appropriate groups for activities. Then take home some chalk and bless the doors of your own home! Parishioners of all ages are welcome to join.
Join us on Saturday, January 20 from 2:30-4 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church (704 Whitney Ave) for a casual afternoon of tea and community in support of an Afghan family seeking asylum in the United States. Due to the family's status, they are unable to receive support from government agencies or local nonprofits that support refugees. Instead, a circle of support has emerged from local volunteers, friends, and religious communities to support this family of five.
Our hope for this fundraiser is to raise enough funds to help the A. Family secure independent and safe housing to support their life in New Haven. Join our circle of support for the A. Family while enjoying an afternoon of tea and sweets, with conversation and activities for all ages.
RSVP is welcome but not required. Contact Associate Rector Rev. Heidi Thorsen (
Suggested donation: $25, $50, $100 ... give what you can! CLICK HERE TO DONATE.
Please bring non-perishable food or toiletries to Trinity for distribution to local food banks. Every item is needed and appreciated. Thank you for your generosity.
Sign up now for the 2024 African American Read-In on Sunday, February 4 immediately following the 10:30 a.m. service.
The African American Read-In, established in 1990 by the Black Caucus of the National Council of Teachers of English, was introduced at Trinity in 2003. This will be our first Read-In since 2021—on Zoom. We had a slavery documentary in 2023. In 2024, we are returning to the Read-In, our 19th. Please read!
Choose any short piece of literature or an excerpt from a longer text written by an African American—from slavery to the present day. Select from any genre that is of interest to you: poetry, drama, fiction (novels, short stories, and other narratives), non-fiction (including speeches, biography, autobiography, history, and others). You may already have one or more favorites from which you wish to make a selection; a reading you have done before will be acceptable. Given the current frequency of national and international discord, if you are searching for a text in response to the times, consider one or more of these themes: a commitment to “love thy neighbor,” hope for peace, justice, equality, joy, fulfillment of dreams, truth, tranquility, beauty in its diverse forms. If needed, search online and in your school and town libraries. Individual readings may extend to but not exceed 5 minutes. Drama and other groups are invited to read for a maximum of 10 minutes. Sign-up deadline: January 27, 2024.
Email any questions and the author and title of your reading to Eleanor Q. Tignor (
Click the video above to enjoy a full recording of this year's Christmas Concert, sung by our Choirs of Men & Boys and Adults & Girls as well as the A Cappella Singers led by Peter Sipple. In his final Christmas at Trinity, we are particularly grateful to Director of Music Walden Moore for his calm, masterful, and unwavering leadership of our choirs for the last 40 years. Thank you, Walden!
You can also access individual pieces from the concert via our YouTube Channel. Please consider sharing these clips in your social media to help boost our choirs' recruiting efforts. Thank you to all who help support Trinity's indispensable music program.
Christmas was already in the air this past Sunday as our Children, Youth, and Family Ministries displayed their annual Christmas Pageant. This year's pageant featured not only the many children who enrich our parish life in so many ways, but also live animals and a petting zoo in the narthex! Many thanks to CYF Director Angela Arpino for all her work in putting together this wonderful production. Click HERE to browse photos of the pageant.
Deepen your faith as we explore the Way of Love, a summary of Christian belief and practice put forward by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. The Way of Love consists of seven guiding words: learn, turn, rest, go, pray, worship, bless. These three sessions serve as Confirmation preparation for those wanting to be confirmed in the 2024 Easter Vigil. Beyond that, these classes are open to anyone, of all ages, who would like to grow deeper in their faith. Adults who have undergone a significant change in their life or faith may consider “Reaffirmation,” a formal recommitment to their faith, along with other confirmands.
Sessions are led by Associate Rector Rev. Heidi Thorsen and Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries Angela Arpino. Email Angela to express your interest!
All classes start at 9:15 a.m. on the following Sundays:
January 21
February 25
March 24
This year’s Christmas flowers are offered to the glory of God and in loving memory of:
Margaret Beeler
Nancy Beesecker
Ron Casey
Daphne Cassan
Arthur Cassan
Michael Cassan
James Cassan
Marc G. Dreyfus
Katie Garrity
Karen Hesselberg
Charles Henry Hines IV
Estelle Hines Queen
Rev. Howard P. Kellett
Bob & Ilze Kimball
Henry & Fidelia King
Fidelia King Rice
Paul E. Klebe
Mildred J. Klebe
Sharon M. Klebe
Doris & John Koniz
Darrel Lacock
Carolyn Shutter Grant Leary
Kevin D. Leary
Jack & Ann Maher
Elizabeth Maher
Tony & Stella Moleske
Harold & Inez Nyren
Rich Picha
Ken & Evelyn Picha
Dr. Wendell H. Piehler
France A. Pindell
Kate Proulx
Vernon Proulx
Asa Queen
Charles M. Queen
Donald W. Queen
Gilford W. Queen
Jestine Queen Gaither
Jean Queen Goode
Arbutus Queen Matthews
Phyllis Queen Matthews
Gwendolyn Queen Pindell
Mac & Ruby Stringer
Donna Stringer
Ethel P. Tignor
Madison W. Tignor
Marcia Denise Tignor
Bob Titlbach
Mark Torrey
Cynthia Townshend
John Lawrence Tredwell
Marilyn S. Turnburke
Gail Turnburke Snyder
Vernon P. Turnburke, Jr.
Anita R. Turner
Terry Uhler
Rob & Marlyn Winslow