2024 African American Read-In

Sign up now for the 2024 African American Read-In on Sunday, February 4 immediately following the 10:30 a.m. service.

The African American Read-In, established in 1990 by the Black Caucus of the National Council of Teachers of English, was introduced at Trinity in 2003. This will be our first Read-In since 2021—on Zoom. We had a slavery documentary in 2023. In 2024, we are returning to the Read-In, our 19th. Please read!

Choose any short piece of literature or an excerpt from a longer text written by an African American—from slavery to the present day. Select from any genre that is of interest to you: poetry, drama, fiction (novels, short stories, and other narratives), non-fiction (including speeches, biography, autobiography, history, and others). You may already have one or more favorites from which you wish to make a selection; a reading you have done before will be acceptable. Given the current frequency of national and international discord, if you are searching for a text in response to the times, consider one or more of these themes: a commitment to “love thy neighbor,” hope for peace, justice, equality, joy, fulfillment of dreams, truth, tranquility, beauty in its diverse forms. If needed, search online and in your school and town libraries. Individual readings may extend to but not exceed 5 minutes. Drama and other groups are invited to read for a maximum of 10 minutes. Sign-up deadline: January 27, 2024.

Email any questions and the author and title of your reading to Eleanor Q. Tignor (eqtig@aol.com).

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