Lent Soup Suppers

Sign up to host a Lent Soup Supper! Trinity is organizing five home gatherings throughout the season of Lent. Hosts will welcome up to eight Trinity members (who have reserved in advance) for a dinner or lunch at their home. Hosts can pick a day of the week that works for them:

  • Tuesday at 5:30 p.m.

  • Wednesday at 5:30 p.m.

  • Thursday at 5:30 p.m. OR

  • Saturday at noon

Hosts provide a pot of soup and guests can bring sides, beverages, and desserts. Trinity will provide materials for a short prayer service to open the evening an an "icebreaker" question for more conversation during the meal.

Interested in hosting? Email Rev. Heidi! hthorsen@trinitynewhaven.org

The aim is to offer one lunch or dinner during each of the following weeks:

Lent 1 (Feb. 18-24): TBD

Lent 2 (Feb. 25-Mar. 2): TBD

Lent 3 (Mar. 3-9): TBD

Lent 4 (Mar. 10-16): TBD

Lent 5 (Mar. 17-23): TBD

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