The Way of Love: Confirming Our Faith

Deepen your faith as we explore the Way of Love, a summary of Christian belief and practice put forward by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. The Way of Love consists of seven guiding words: learn, turn, rest, go, pray, worship, bless. These three sessions serve as Confirmation preparation for those wanting to be confirmed in the 2024 Easter Vigil. Beyond that, these classes are open to anyone, of all ages, who would like to grow deeper in their faith. Adults who have undergone a significant change in their life or faith may consider “Reaffirmation,” a formal recommitment to their faith, along with other confirmands.

Sessions are led by Associate Rector Rev. Heidi Thorsen and Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries Angela Arpino. Email Angela to express your interest!

All classes start at 9:15 a.m. on the following Sundays:

January 21

February 25

March 24

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