Shoe Donations Needed for Homeless Memorial

We are collecting donations of new and lightly used shoes for our homeless memorial on December 20th! Winter shoes would be ideal, since the shoes will be distributed to community members after the event. Please bring donations by Monday, December 13th. Reach out to with any questions. Thank you!

Kyle Picha
Donate! Gift Bags for Chapel on the Green

Give back to the Chapel on the Green community! This year, Trinity is giving out Christmas Gift bags at Chapel on the Green on Sunday, Dec. 19. We will not accept pre-assembled gift bags, but rather contributions to the bags such as: new socks, gloves, word searches, and hygiene products. We are aiming for a total of 80 bags. Donate by Dec. 12. Contact with questions. Thank you!

Kyle Picha
SAVE THE DATE: New Beginnings Retreat with Lilian and Heidi

New Beginnings Retreat

with Lilian and Heidi

A Retreat Day at Mercy-by-the-Sea, in Madison, CT, on Saturday, January 15, 2022, 9:30am – 2:30pm. Cost is $36 per person (lunch included) or what you can pay.

To register e-mail Lilian Revel by January 3, 2022 ( Please pay by check (mail to Linda Becconsall, Trinity on the Green, 950 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT 06510, indicate in the memo line: Retreat) or pay online at

After the busy weeks of Advent and Christmas, it is time to pause, to rest from our travails, to go inward, and to enjoy deepening our relationships with God and community. We will celebrate new beginnings, leave the old behind, become aware of God’s presence always. Our time together will include prayer, large and small group discussions, fellowship, periods of silence, spiritual practices, time to enjoy the beauty around us, and of course lunch. We hope you will return to your life refreshed, renewed, reborn, recharged to go out into the world with new intentions to make it a better place.

Deadline for registration is January 3, 2022.

Once we have a list of attendees we will work on carpooling.

COVID-19 protocol: Masks are mandatory at MbtS.

Kyle Picha
Chorister Adbook Campaign 2021

A Request from the Trinity Choristers:

Please consider supporting the Trinity chorister program with an advertisement or tax-deductible gift for the 2021-2022 choir season! All purchases and contributions directly benefit the Choir Activity Fund, which ensures that any musically qualified boy or girl, regardless of family income, can participate in choir camp and travel, after-school snacks and meals, sessions with guest clinicians, and other essentials of Trinity's holistic approach to chorister training which are not funded by the general operating budget. Ads and contributor lists will appear in the program books of the 2021 Christmas Concert and the 2022 Spring Concert, and electronic copies will also be widely distributed. Make your purchase or contribution here: 2021 Ad Book Campaign — Trinity on the Green ( Thank you for your generosity!

Kyle Picha
Oct. 24th is Giving Sunday

This Sunday, October 24, is Giving Sunday. If you haven't already done so, please fill out and mail your pledge form, place it in the offering plate, or follow the link below to enter your pledge online! Pledge packets were mailed on October 5. Please contact Georgia Cosgrove at or (203) 624-3101 x104 if you don’t receive yours. Let’s join together and exceed last year’s amazing results of over $510,000 in pledge commitments!

Click here to make your 2022 Pledge

Why pledge? Watch Barbara Lamb share her stewardship story

Kyle Picha
A Note about Inclusive Language in our Liturgy

You may notice a few changes to our liturgy this coming Sunday. These changes are slight – you may not even notice them! But they are also a long time in coming, and reflect the Church’s commitment to inclusive language – using spoken and written words that acknowledge the diversity of humanity (not simply “mankind”), and an expansive view of God.

These changes are supported by a resolution passed at the Episcopal Church General Convention in 2018 (Resolution 2018-A068), and reflects a wider movement of the Holy Spirit in the Church to use liturgies that reflect our experience of God in the present. Some of the changes, like saying “God’s kingdom” rather than “his kingdom” in the words of the Opening Acclamation, may be familiar to you already.

We invite you to pray with us on Sunday with your whole heart, as always. And if you have any questions about changes you notice in the liturgy, feel free to contact one of the clergy to talk more.


The Rev. Luk De Volder

The Rev. Heidi Thorsen

Kyle Picha
Children's Chapel returns
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Children's Chapel returns this Sunday and will be offered, as usual, during the service, indoors in the Undercroft. (Protocols of mask-wearing and social distancing are in place and each child will have their own materials.) If you are uncomfortable attending in-person with your child, please contact Angela Arpino, our Children, Youth and Family Minister, and she will send along the activity for your use at home. Send a message to

Kyle Picha
Spiritual Formation: Reading "The Cross & The Lynching Tree" This Fall
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Spiritual Formation: Reading "The Cross & The Lynching Tree" This Fall

What is the relationship between the cross that Jesus died on, and the untimely deaths of Black people in the United States? How can reflections on our own context deepen our faith in Jesus Christ – whether you are white, Black, or another racial identity?

Join us for a Fall reading series on Zoom, as we read through The Cross and the Lynching Tree, by James Cone. Each week we will pray together & discuss a chapter from the book.

Meetings: Wednesdays, 7-8pm on Zoom

October 6 – Introduction & Chapter 1

October 13 – Chapter 2

October 20 – Chapter 3

October 27 – Chapter 4

November 3 – Chapter 5

November 10 – Conclusion & Compline

RSVP: Email Rev. Heidi ( if you plan on joining. It’s okay if you can’t make every date – we hope you will join when you can.

Trinity will provide a copy of the book! We have purchased 20 copies of the book from People Get Ready Book Store, a local, Black-owned business in New Haven. Pick up a copy from Trinity on a Sunday morning, or let us know if you would like free delivery to your door. We are glad to offer this!

The cost of the book is on a sliding scale: pay nothing, or contribute up to $22 to support the purchase of this book & the participation of others in this book study.

or Call-in: +1 (877) 853-5257
Meeting ID: 834 1423 5080

Kyle Picha
Visitation by Bishop Laura this Sunday!

Bishop Laura Visitation this coming Sunday – Join us at Chapel on the Green at 2pm!

This coming Sunday, Bishop Laura will be with at Trinity as part of a three-year cycle of Episcopal visitations. Bishop Visitations are modified this year, due to Covid-19 policies of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut – for example, the bishops are only attending outdoor services in regions where Covid-19 is spreading above a rate of 15 or more cases per 100,000 people. In light of these precautions, Bishop Laura will be joining us for our weekly outdoor service – at 2pm at Chapel on the Green!

While our Sunday morning services continue as usual, we especially encourage parishioners to join us again at Chapel on the Green this Sunday, as we are blessed by Bishop Laura’s presence and celebrate Holy Eucharist again at Chapel on the Green, for the first time in almost a year and a half! Please bring your own chairs for additional seating, if you are able.

We invite you to make the most of Bishop Laura’s visitation in the following ways:

  • View this week’s eNews video message (above), an address from Bishop Laura to our Trinity community

  • Greet Bishop Laura around 11:30am on Sunday at our outdoor coffee hour

  • Join us for Chapel on the Green this coming Sunday at 2pm, as Bishop Laura presides and preaches at our weekly outdoor service

  • Lastly, Bishop Laura will be meeting with the Vestry to discuss Dr. Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail. While this is not an open conversation, we invite everyone in our parish to read and reflect on this text in solidarity & prayer. This is part of our commitment to live into Resolution 7, a resolution passed by the Episcopal Church in CT at Convention last year, which underscores how pursuing racial justice and our calling to be faithful Christians are integrally connected.

Kyle Picha
Morning Meditation (Centering Prayer) Resumes M/W/F


Centering Prayer has resumed on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays at 8:30am via zoom. We sit in silence for about 20 minutes and consent to God’s presence and action within. It is the perfect way to start the day in the presence of the Divine within us. Anybody is welcome. Bring your friends.

Here is the zoom link:

Meeting ID: 863 5978 6006| Passcode: 557358

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Kyle Picha
Welcome Back to Lilian Revel!


Lilian Revel, our Associate for Pastoral Care and Spiritual Formation, is back with us after a sabbatical of three months. She is ready with new energy to focus on the needs of our parishioners. Don’t hesitate to call Lilian if you need a visit or phone call and wish to talk to someone about what’s going on in your life, both the difficult aspects as well as the joyous ones, and the spiritual questions you may have. Lilian will offer you a listening ear, will pray with you, and bring communion. Tel. 203 858 1243. Email: or  

Kyle Picha
Join IRIS in helping Afghan families!

IRIS stands with Afghan families. We’re currently welcoming evacuated Afghan families and are ready on 24-hour notice to receive as many as needed.


ADVOCATE: with elected officials to rescue refugees. We must not leave our allies behind.

DONATE: defray costs of essentials upon arrival and emergent costs.

JOIN: a local community group in towns around the state and work with IRIS to welcome families in your community. Email:

COLLECT: backpacks, school supplies, winter coats and waterproof winter boots. Our storage is limited but please hold for 30 days and email to coordinate a drop-off.

Kyle Picha
Anako Scholarship Awards its first recipient!

Trinity is very proud to announce that our very own Akkila Campbell has been awarded the 2021 Justina O. Anako Memorial Scholarship, established this year for women of color embarking upon studies in a STEM field! Chineye Anako joined us to award the scholarship to Akkila, who was joined by her mother, Anniebell. Congratulations Akkila! We can't wait to see what you'll do in your studies and beyond!

Left to right, Rev. Luk De Volder, Chineye Anako, Akkila Campbell, and Anniebell Campbell.

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Kyle Picha
Fall Sunday Services at Trinity on the Green

With the COVID-19 virus persisting through its variants, we still face uncertainty about the restoration of regular activities. For that reason we will continue our current Sunday service schedule this fall, with an 8:00 AM Eucharist (Rite 1), a 10:00 AM Eucharist (Rite 2), and 2:00 PM Chapel on the Green, along with the addition of a collaborative 5:00 PM service with the Episcopal Church at Yale.

Even so, we are excited to announce that this fall, we will resume choral singing on Sundays, including congregational singing. After a conversation including medical doctors and church leadership, we feel reassured that singing at church remains a relatively safe activity for anyone who is vaccinated and masked. Of course, there is always some risk involved, so vaccination and masks will continue to be essential protection measures. This means that our choirs will soon be able to return to church (starting Sunday, September 19) and that we all can resume singing during the church service (starting Sunday, August 29th).

Our 10:00 AM service will remain accessible through YouTube streaming. In case you may have concerns about safety or personal health, you can stay connected with our Trinity community by watching our 10:00 AM service on YouTube. Our Wednesday 12:10 PM Eucharist is another opportunity to attend church in-person with greater safety measures, as there will be no congregational singing at this small midweek gathering.

We are taking these steps in the hopes of providing clarity to our parishioners for the coming months, but, as we have experienced over the last 17 months, we are not sure what the future might bring. What we do know is that vaccines for children younger than 12 are on their way. Once younger choristers will have access to vaccination, we may be able to re-evaluate or restore our regular service schedule. Stay tuned.

Lastly, we look forward to welcoming the Episcopal Church at Yale (ECY) to worship in our building at 5 PM on Sundays, throughout the fall semester. ECY will mirror whatever safety measures we take at Trinity throughout the changing course of the pandemic. Since ECY has struggled to find a worship venue due to Yale University’s guidelines about staff affiliation, we are glad to be able to extend this hospitality to our partners in ministry.

The Rev. Luk De Volder, Rector

The Rev. Heidi Thorsen, Associate Rector

Fall Sunday Service Schedule:

8:00AM: Holy Eucharist (Rite 1), with one hymn sung by a cantor

9:00AM: Sunday School

10:00AM: Choral Holy Eucharist (Rite 2)

2:00pm: Chapel on the Green (Outdoors)

5:00pm: Episcopal Church at Yale Eucharist (with occasional joint services with Trinity, to be announced)

Kyle Picha
Children, Youth & Family Minister Staff Transition


Paige Nelson, our Children, Youth and family Minister will be leaving Trinity this summer. She has done an amazing job during this pandemic. Through her ministry at Trinity she built a strong connection with many children and families in our parish, for which we are very grateful. It is hard to say goodbye, and these transitions are never easy.

In recognition of Paige's ministry, we are opening a "purse" to collect donations. Please send your donation to our parish office with the memo reference: "Paige Nelson". Thank you very much, Paige, for all you have brought to our community.


We are excited to welcome our new Children, Youth and Family Minister, Angela Arpino. After working in corporate publishing for many years, Angela felt called to ministry when asked to become the Director of Faith Formation for a church West Haven. There, she led hundreds of children and families in sacramental preparation, faith-growing experiences, and Bible Study. Later, at a church in Oxford, CT, she led learners of all ages in an intergenerational, family-focused model of faith formation featuring a meal, lessons, and outreach efforts. She has a certificate in Faith Formation from Fordham University and has graduated from the 4-year Catholic Biblical School, where she remains an occasional instructor. Angela and her husband Rob live in West Haven, just a couple of blocks from the beach. She enjoys gardening, practicing yoga, walking their dog Zuzu, and volunteering.

Message from Angela

Hello to the Families of Trinity Church on the Green:

I am Angela Arpino and extremely blessed to be part of the team here guiding you on your faith journeys. As the Children’s, Youth, and Families Minister, I recognize that each member of your family is on an individual – and lifelong -- path to God’s loving presence. I pray that my enthusiasm for Scripture, experience in faith sharing with families, and the working of the Holy Spirit helps us along the way!

Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of families and the children in them. As a matter of fact, I first started sharing Jesus’ lessons with children decades ago, shortly after graduating from Southern Connecticut State University and beginning my corporate career as a journalist and page designer. I’ve enjoyed just about every job I’ve had but the one I first felt “called” to was that of Director of Faith Formation for my church in West Haven. There, I worked with many families and volunteers, working to creatively bring Jesus to life in our modern world.

After 13 years there, I explored – and fell in love with – the family/intergenerational model of faith formation. The volunteers and I implemented fun and easy activities and liturgical events to help parents and children build strong foundations of faith and prayer. I’m so looking forward to doing that with you, too.

Be it Vacation Bible Camp for little ones, prayer services and mission trips with our teens, or bible study with you and other parents, I can’t wait to get going! I know you’ll be patient with me as I learn more about Trinity, the activities and ministry work you enjoy, and each family, as well.

Please come up and introduce yourselves to me on Saturday, Aug. 29, at our Back-To-School Blessing for Children and Educators (Edgerton Park, 9 AM). Your friends, neighbors, and relatives are invited, too!

Praying for your safe travels and the launch of a new and healthy school year in the upcoming weeks,

Angela Arpino

Children, Youth & Families Minister

Kyle Picha
Support Haiti via the Episcopal Relief and Development Fund

Support to Haiti through the Episcopal Relief and Development Fund

A devastating earthquake struck Haiti on Saturday, August 14, 2021, with a 7.2 magnitude Nearly 2,000 people died and more than 9,000 people were injured, according to the United Nations. The UN also said the quake impacted more than 1.2 million people. The quake destroyed buildings and infrastructure, including nearly 61,000 homes, and damaged more than 76,000 more. Thousands of families are in need of humanitarian assistance.

The Episcopal Relief and Development Fund (ERD) is ready to support 400 vulnerable households in 21 isolated communities.

Donations to the ERD Haiti fund will bring support, supply critical necessities, and help to recover. Thank you.

Supporting Partners in Haiti After the August 2021 Earthquake

Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting long-term development partners in Haiti after a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the country on Saturday, August 14, 2021.

Kyle Picha
Trinity Celebrates Pride 2021

Trinity Celebrates Pride 2021

At Trinity, we believe that God has made us and loves us just as we are – lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and straight. Join us as we share Jesus’ message of radical welcome in our community, in worship and at community events.

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Trinity at PRIDEfest

Saturday, September 18 from noon to 7pm

North Haven Fairgrounds (290 Washington Avenue, North Haven)

We will have a table with gifts and welcome information about Trinity and other open & affirming Episcopal communities in the greater New Haven Area. Learn more about the event here, and email Rev. Heidi if you plan on joining us -

Pride Worship Service

with the Episcopal Church at Yale

Sunday, September 19 at 5pm

Trinity Church on the Green (or join us in Prayer via our YouTube Livestream, link tba)

Join us for a joint worship service with the Episcopal Church at Yale celebrating how the incarnation of God is beautifully present in our LGBTQ+ siblings in Christ. This service will also be livestreamed; join us in prayer if you can’t join us in person!

Kyle Picha
Volunteer for International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31st

Volunteer for International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31st

Join us on the New Haven Green to raise awareness about the overdose epidemic from 12-6pm on Tuesday, August 31st. We will be hosting a memorial display as well as other activities on Trinity's apron, and we need volunteers! If you would like to volunteer, please contact Christy Stang at Click here for a flyer in English or here for a flyer in Spanish.

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Kyle Picha
Trinity Welcomes a New Organ Scholar!

Trinity Welcomes A New Organ Scholar

A warm welcome to NICO TJOELKER, who begins his tenure as the thirty-third Trinity Organ Scholar with the start of choir camp on August 8. Congratulations also to Manuel Piazza who assumes the post of Senior Organ Scholar this year!

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Nico recently completed a Bachelor of Music in organ at Sydney Conservatorium of Music (Australia), where he studied under Philip Swanton. He graduated with First Class Honors, receiving high distinction on his thesis on the topic of early twentieth-century recordings of organ music on paper rolls. Nico previously served as organ scholar at two Sydney churches: St. Mark’s Anglican Church, where he served for one year from August 2020 - 2021, and St. Stephen’s Uniting Church, where he served from 2017 - 2021.

From October 2018 to February 2019, Nico completed a semester exchange at the Hochschule für Musik in Freiburg, Germany. In July 2018, Nico attended the Haarlem International Organ Festival in Holland, where he received instruction from renowned European organists, including Jean-Baptiste Robin, Louis Robilliard, Leo van Doeselaar, and Olivier Latry. He was selected to be one of five participants in the Lucerne Organ Masterclass, Switzerland in August 2018 under the direction of Wolfgang Sieber.

In July 2016, Nico completed the Organ Scholar Experience course at Cambridge University, UK, and performed five recitals in an international organ recital tour in the UK and the Netherlands. In July 2017, Nico toured the historical organs of Europe with the Sydney Conservatorium organ department. He played for the Australia and New Zealand College of Organists Academy recital in Napier, New Zealand in 2018, and was the guest organist for the New South Wales Youth Orchestra’s inaugural concert in 2015. He was awarded first prize in the 2013 Sydney Organ Competition – Intermediate Section, and first prize in the 2016 Sydney Organ Competition – Open Section.

In addition to organ, Nico enjoys reading, jazz, bushwalking, learning German, and learning computer programming. He looks forward to commencing a Master of Music in organ at Yale in September 2021, where he will learn from Martin Jean.

Kyle Picha