Fall Sunday Services at Trinity on the Green

With the COVID-19 virus persisting through its variants, we still face uncertainty about the restoration of regular activities. For that reason we will continue our current Sunday service schedule this fall, with an 8:00 AM Eucharist (Rite 1), a 10:00 AM Eucharist (Rite 2), and 2:00 PM Chapel on the Green, along with the addition of a collaborative 5:00 PM service with the Episcopal Church at Yale.

Even so, we are excited to announce that this fall, we will resume choral singing on Sundays, including congregational singing. After a conversation including medical doctors and church leadership, we feel reassured that singing at church remains a relatively safe activity for anyone who is vaccinated and masked. Of course, there is always some risk involved, so vaccination and masks will continue to be essential protection measures. This means that our choirs will soon be able to return to church (starting Sunday, September 19) and that we all can resume singing during the church service (starting Sunday, August 29th).

Our 10:00 AM service will remain accessible through YouTube streaming. In case you may have concerns about safety or personal health, you can stay connected with our Trinity community by watching our 10:00 AM service on YouTube. Our Wednesday 12:10 PM Eucharist is another opportunity to attend church in-person with greater safety measures, as there will be no congregational singing at this small midweek gathering.

We are taking these steps in the hopes of providing clarity to our parishioners for the coming months, but, as we have experienced over the last 17 months, we are not sure what the future might bring. What we do know is that vaccines for children younger than 12 are on their way. Once younger choristers will have access to vaccination, we may be able to re-evaluate or restore our regular service schedule. Stay tuned.

Lastly, we look forward to welcoming the Episcopal Church at Yale (ECY) to worship in our building at 5 PM on Sundays, throughout the fall semester. ECY will mirror whatever safety measures we take at Trinity throughout the changing course of the pandemic. Since ECY has struggled to find a worship venue due to Yale University’s guidelines about staff affiliation, we are glad to be able to extend this hospitality to our partners in ministry.

The Rev. Luk De Volder, Rector

The Rev. Heidi Thorsen, Associate Rector

Fall Sunday Service Schedule:

8:00AM: Holy Eucharist (Rite 1), with one hymn sung by a cantor

9:00AM: Sunday School

10:00AM: Choral Holy Eucharist (Rite 2)

2:00pm: Chapel on the Green (Outdoors)

5:00pm: Episcopal Church at Yale Eucharist (with occasional joint services with Trinity, to be announced)

Kyle Picha