Visitation by Bishop Laura this Sunday!


Bishop Laura Visitation this coming Sunday – Join us at Chapel on the Green at 2pm!

This coming Sunday, Bishop Laura will be with at Trinity as part of a three-year cycle of Episcopal visitations. Bishop Visitations are modified this year, due to Covid-19 policies of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut – for example, the bishops are only attending outdoor services in regions where Covid-19 is spreading above a rate of 15 or more cases per 100,000 people. In light of these precautions, Bishop Laura will be joining us for our weekly outdoor service – at 2pm at Chapel on the Green!

While our Sunday morning services continue as usual, we especially encourage parishioners to join us again at Chapel on the Green this Sunday, as we are blessed by Bishop Laura’s presence and celebrate Holy Eucharist again at Chapel on the Green, for the first time in almost a year and a half! Please bring your own chairs for additional seating, if you are able.

We invite you to make the most of Bishop Laura’s visitation in the following ways:

  • View this week’s eNews video message (above), an address from Bishop Laura to our Trinity community

  • Greet Bishop Laura around 11:30am on Sunday at our outdoor coffee hour

  • Join us for Chapel on the Green this coming Sunday at 2pm, as Bishop Laura presides and preaches at our weekly outdoor service

  • Lastly, Bishop Laura will be meeting with the Vestry to discuss Dr. Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail. While this is not an open conversation, we invite everyone in our parish to read and reflect on this text in solidarity & prayer. This is part of our commitment to live into Resolution 7, a resolution passed by the Episcopal Church in CT at Convention last year, which underscores how pursuing racial justice and our calling to be faithful Christians are integrally connected.

Kyle Picha