SAVE THE DATE: New Beginnings Retreat with Lilian and Heidi

New Beginnings Retreat

with Lilian and Heidi

A Retreat Day at Mercy-by-the-Sea, in Madison, CT, on Saturday, January 15, 2022, 9:30am – 2:30pm. Cost is $36 per person (lunch included) or what you can pay.

To register e-mail Lilian Revel by January 3, 2022 ( Please pay by check (mail to Linda Becconsall, Trinity on the Green, 950 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT 06510, indicate in the memo line: Retreat) or pay online at

After the busy weeks of Advent and Christmas, it is time to pause, to rest from our travails, to go inward, and to enjoy deepening our relationships with God and community. We will celebrate new beginnings, leave the old behind, become aware of God’s presence always. Our time together will include prayer, large and small group discussions, fellowship, periods of silence, spiritual practices, time to enjoy the beauty around us, and of course lunch. We hope you will return to your life refreshed, renewed, reborn, recharged to go out into the world with new intentions to make it a better place.

Deadline for registration is January 3, 2022.

Once we have a list of attendees we will work on carpooling.

COVID-19 protocol: Masks are mandatory at MbtS.

Kyle Picha