Family of Sharon Klebe invites Trinity community to attend her memorial service.

The family of Sharon Klebe would like to invite the Trinity community to join them for a memorial service to be held at Trinity on Saturday, October 8th at 10 a.m. Sharon held Trinity and its parishioners dear to her heart, and it is hoped that friends and fellow parishioners will join us in holding up her memory.

For those unable to attend in person, her service will be streamed below:

Kyle Picha
Did you learn something new this Sunday? Join us for Adult Education Classes


This coming Sunday, October 3 at 9:30 in the Trinity Undercroft, a new series on THE MATRIX OF FAITH AND RACE IN AMERICA will begin, led by Charles Lemert and Bob Sandine.

The subject for October 3rd will be

Sojourner Truth and Anna Julia Cooper / "Ain't I A Woman?"

Subjects for the weeks following are;

Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Yellow Wallpaper

WEB DuBois, The Souls of Black Folk
Reinhold Niebuhr, Moral Man & Immoral Society
Patricia Hill Collins, Black Feminist Thought
H Richard Niebuhr, Christ and Culture
Paula Gunn Allen, Grandmothers of the Light

Pauli Murray, Song in a Weary Throat

Kyle Picha
New Weekly Course on Celtic Spirituality to be offered via Zoom starting 10/5

Throughout the last year we read together several very meaningful books, ending with a great teaching on Celtic Spirituality back in March/April. Among other things, we learned how deeply connected the old Celts were with nature, and how they recognized God in nature. In this new course we are going to read together Karen Armstrong’s latest book: Sacred Nature: Restoring Our Ancient Bond with the Natural World. In this book the author takes us via a timeline of sorts from ancient eastern civilizations to our world today in an attempt to show us how other folks think about the Divine and nature, how we, especially in the west, have lost that connection, thereby separating the Divine from nature, and she gives us some practical advice on how to restore this special bond with the natural world. She cares deeply about what is happening to our world today and believes that we can reverse some of the harm done through a new or renewed understanding of how everything is connected.

The book is available from most booksellers. It costs around $28 for the hardcover, it is unavailable in paperback for the time being, but it is available for Kindle ($15). If the cost of the book is a hardship, please contact Lilian ( Any other questions should also be addressed to Lilian.

The course will take take place via Zoom on Wednesdays from 5pm – 6pm, starting Wednesday, October 5.

To register, please email Lilian Revel (

Kyle Picha
Interested in discussing the challenges and joys of aging? Join the Trinity Sages

“The Trinity Sages” – What is that?

It’s a new group to be formed for seniors and their friends, who wish to come together periodically to share their experiences and joys of aging, discuss the important issues, support each other in pain and difficulties, and grow in the spirituality and grace of aging. Sages are wise people.

Would you like to participate in such a group? If so, please email Lilian Revel ( indicating your interest and answering the following questions:

Preferred frequency of meetings: weekly / biweekly / monthly

Preferred time of meetings: mornings / afternoons / evenings

Preferred location of meetings: zoom / in person at Trinity Church

Kyle Picha
2022 Parish Meeting; Preparing the Music Director's Transition

Parish Meeting Sunday

We're excited to host our yearly Parish Meeting on Sunday, October 9th, after the 10:30 am service. A simple catered meal will be provided at the Parish Meeting, rather than our traditional potluck. However, people are welcome to bring cookies or other desserts, potluck-style, to share!

Preparing the Music Director's Transition

Looming large over this year's parish meeting will be discussions of Walden Moore's plans for his well-earned retirement and Trinity's search for his successor. It is difficult to imagine a Director of Music at Trinity other than Walden Moore, who has been our beloved organist, choir director, youth minister, coordinator of liturgy, unordained priest and prayer warrior in service of so many people’s happiness and soul wellness. As we approach Walden's transition, we proceed inspired by his example and love for Trinity’s music ministry.At our annual Parish Meeting on Sunday October 9, 11:30 a.m. in the Undercroft, we will start the parish-wide conversation on the different steps to consider and the timeline to observe, for both the process toward hiring Walden’s successor as well as the preparation of celebrating Walden’s legacy. Upon his retirement in 2024, Walden will have served at Trinity for forty years!

To encourage everyone’s participation in this conversation and process, we invite you to share your thoughts, hopes, and wishes for the future of our music program. This link will bring you to brief questionnaire where you can provide your feedback and that will also ask you if you would like to be involved in the music committee at this time. On behalf of the Rector and the Vestry, the Music Committee will coordinate both the celebration of Walden Moore’s legacy as well as the search for Trinity’s next Director of Music.

Kyle Picha
Trinity to join New Haven's Pride celebrations next weekend!

New Haven celebrates LGBTQ+ Pride Month in September, and Trinity on the Green will be joining in the celebration with a table at New Haven Pridefest (hosted right on the New Haven Green) on Saturday, 

September 17. Please reach out to Bill Pagano if you'd like to take a shift working at Pridefest from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We need volunteers to staff the table and greeters at the Church that day.

The next evening (Sunday, September 18), Trinity will host an Evensong for Pride at 5:00 p.m.

Kyle Picha
Pets and their humans are welcome at St. Francis Pet Blessing at the New Haven Animal Shelter

Save this date: Saturday, October 1! Trinity’s annual Pet Blessing will take place at a special location – the Robin I. Kroogman New Haven Animal Shelter. Bring your pet (licensed and vaccinated, please) or stuffed animal at 3 p.m. and meet some of the adoptable animals from the shelter. Please invite your friends. Treat and food donations encouraged! Co-sponsored by The City of New Haven Humane Commission.

Kyle Picha
Seeking ushers and greeters for the consecration of Bishop-Elect Rev. Jeffrey William Mello

For Bishop Jeffrey Mello’s consecration on Saturday, October 15, 11 A.M. we are looking for volunteers who are experienced ushers, and greeters. Valarie Stanley and the Rev. Luk De Volder are coordinating this part of the consecration liturgy. Please let them know if you would like to sign up for one of these liturgical leadership functions: or

Kyle Picha
Office Transitions: Kyle Picha to become Trinity's Office Manager

We are pleased to announce that Kyle Picha, Director of Communications, has agreed to step into a new role as Trinity’s Office Manager.

In this newly created position, Kyle will provide essential services for the Trinity community and staff across many areas. He’ll be working to maintain and develop office resources, assist with scheduling and retention of committee working documents, and become involved in Trinity’s business and financial functions as a link between parishioners and our new out-of-office bookkeeper, Janel Crite.

He’ll also be retaining much of his communications portfolio. The eNews will still come from him. He’ll be the point person for Trinity’s database, website, and general inquiries, as a well as a valuable resource for technical support. We will be seeking a part-time employee to take on some communications tasks, but for the time being, Kyle will be able to provide continuity in this moment of staffing transitions at Trinity.

Most questions that parishioners might have previously referred to the business manager can now be directed to Kyle at

We would like to thank both Kyle and the dedicated volunteers that are diligently working to support Trinity and ready the church for another wonderful year worshipping and walking together.

Kyle Picha
Ordination and Consecration of the XVI Bishop Diocesan October 15, 2022

Ordination and Consecration of the XVI Bishop Diocesan October 15, 2022


In order to ensure equal opportunity for parish participation, parish leadership have received a link to a registration form allowing them to sign up to five lay people. Clergy, service participants, ECCT staff and elected leadership bodies (Mission Council, Standing Committee, COM, and BTC) should not be included in this form. On September 19, general admission registration will open. If you are a parish leader and have not received this link, contact Canon Jasree at

For those unable to attend in person, this event will be live-streamed via ECCT’s Youtube channel. If you are hosting a watch party and are interested in promoting it, please email Canon Jasree (email above.)

COVID-19 Guidelines (As of September 6)

Out of an abiding love of our neighbor, face masks and full vaccinations will be required for attendance at the ordination and consecration service. Please know that there will be more than 1,500 people in attendance, and mask wearing will be enforced outside of eating and drinking areas. Congregational singing will take place. Registered guests will be informed in advance of any changes in COVID-19-related guidelines.

Kyle Picha
In Memoriam: Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (21 April 1926 - 8 September, 2022)

At Trinity on the Green we keep her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in our prayers and in thanksgiving for her steadfastness, her grace, and her faith.

Blessed are you, Lord our God, lover of souls: you uphold us in life and sustain us in death: to you be glory and praise for ever! For the darkness of this age is passing away as Christ the bright and morning star brings to his saints the light of life. As you give light to those in darkness, who walk in the shadow of death, so remember in your kingdom your faithful servant, Elizabeth, that death may be for her the gate to life and to unending fellowship with you; where with your saints you live and reign, one in the perfect union of love, now and for ever. Amen.

Here is the statement of our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on the death of Queen Elizabeth II:

Today [8th September, 2022] we mourn the passing and celebrate the life and legacy of Queen Elizabeth II. My prayers for peace go out for her, for her loved ones, and for all those who knew and loved her throughout the world.

Her resilience, her dignity, and her model of quiet faith and piety have been—and will continue to be—an example for so many.

May she rest in peace and rise in glory.

The Most Rev. Michael Bruce Curry
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church

Kyle Picha
Regular Service Schedule to Resume Sunday, September 18

As summer comes to an end, we'll resume our regular schedule for the academic year, copied below for convenience:

7:45am: Quiet Morning Eucharist, Rite 1

9:00am: Choral Morning Prayer, Rite 1

10:30am: Holy Eucharist, Rite 2

2:00pm: Chapel on the Green

5:00pm: Evensong/Taizé/Celtic Prayer Service

Kyle Picha
Wednesday Eucharist to resume September 7

On Wednesday September 7 our 12:10 p.m. Eucharist Service will resume. Once again, every Wednesday, a relaxed mid-week Eucharist will take place at the side Chapel. It is an ideal moment in the middle of the week to take time for prayer, meditation, and re-centering. Come and join us.

Kyle Picha
Office Transitions

We have a number of staff transitioning happening this summer:

  • Rachel Segger, our Music Program Manager has been offered a job by Dr. Martin Jean, Director of the Institute of Sacred Music, and she will become Program Manager of Yale Camerata. However, Rachel has been very supportive to Trinity and Walden by negotiating a gradual transition. For this upcoming academic year, 2022/23, she will work 50% at the ISM and 50% at Trinity.

  • Linda Becconsall, our Trinity Business Manager, will be transitioning out of our office. She is planning to move closer to her parents in Florida.

  • Finally, Georgia Cosgrove, our Development Officer, will retire from Trinity at the end of September, which she was a plan she had been contemplating for a while.

Change is never easy and staff transitions can be hard, but there is also tremendous gratitude for the wonderful team spirit and collaboration every one has engaged in. Special thanks to Rachel, Georgia, and Linda for the extra efforts during these very challenging years of the pandemic: a purse is available at the office to honor their work at Trinity. Contributions can be sent to the office with mention of their name. Rachel’s celebration will be for later in 2023.

To ensure church business, we have hired a new accountant: Ms. Janel Crite, CPA. Ms. Crite is a certified public accountant with a Masters of Business Administration degree from the University of New Haven and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting from Lynchburg College. In her spare time she enjoys reading, traveling, and running. We welcome Janel to Trinity and look forward to working with her!

Kyle Picha
Register for Sunday Spark (School)!


Please register your child(ren) and family for Sunday Spark, even if you plan to come to just a few events. Angela will be ordering class materials for the year and wants to use our funds wisely! You can register by CLICKING HERE.

A calendar of Sunday Spark dates is available HERE. Thank you for your cooperation!

Kyle Picha
SAVE THE DATE: Ordination and Consecration of the Rev. Jeffrey William Mello

SAVE THE DATE: Ordination and Consecration of the Rev. Jeffrey William Mello

God willing and the people consenting, the Rev. Jeffrey William Mellow will be ordained and consecrated a Bishop in the one holy catholic and apostolic church, and XVI Bishop of The Episcopal Church in Connecticut.

The service will take place on Saturday, October 15, 2022 at the Connecticut Convention Center, 100 Columbus Blvd., Hartford, CT. Doors open at 10 AM and the service begins at 11 AM. Chief consecrator is the Most Reverend Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church.

Please save the date and plan to join us for this very special event in our common life in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut!

A formal invitation that will include registration and live stream links will be forthcoming.

Kyle Picha
Welcome to our new Organ Scholar, David Preston!

David Preston is currently pursuing a Master of Music degree in organ at the Yale School of Music with professors Martin Jean, Carole Terry, and James O’Donnell. He previously studied under Dr. Joseph Butler at Texas Christian University, where he graduated Summa Cum Laude with a BM in Church Music.

David has performed in recitals across the United States, including the American Guild of Organists’ 2022 national convention in Seattle. He has also won numerous awards, including first prize in the 2021 Regional competition for Young Organists, and the First and Hymn Playing Excellence prizes at the 2019 William B. Hall Organ Competition. In addition to these, he has played with TCU’s wind symphony at the TMEA conference, TCU’s symphony orchestra, and played with TCU’s early music group for many years on harpsichord.

Aside from music, David enjoys reading, traveling, and visiting heritage railways. One of his hopes is to visit England both as an organist and rail enthusiast. David is the thirty-fourth in The Long Purple Line of Trinity Organ Scholars.

Kyle Picha
Coming in November -- Christmas Market 2022

Coming in November -- Christmas Market 2022!

As always, the weekend before Thanksgiving, this year November 18, 19, 20. Add the dates to your calendar and begin to think of ways that you can participate. Plans are still evolving but we will certainly have:

  • Crafts! The Wednesday Club group has been making items to sell since January. You can join them each Wednesday from 9:00 am – noon. Contact Pat Chappell

  • Cookies! The format of our famous homemade cookie area is still to be determined but there WILL be cookies so dig out your recipe cards. Contact Liz Dickinson

  • Tag Sale! I hope you have all started to collect items for our fabulous and extravagant Tag Sale area, I know I have. Drop off details coming soon. Contact Constance Cahill

Additional offerings will include plants, jewelry, food items, knitted items, and food. Details on these and the possibility of some type of Silent Auction are in process. There are a couple of key committee head positions to fill and lots of volunteer opportunities to fit any time commitment.

Are you a newcomer? The annual Christmas Market is the BEST way to get to know more people at Trinity. Lots of work and even more fun.

Please contact me for more information and stay tuned to this space for more details.

Leigh Cromey

Kyle Picha