Office Transitions

We have a number of staff transitioning happening this summer:

  • Rachel Segger, our Music Program Manager has been offered a job by Dr. Martin Jean, Director of the Institute of Sacred Music, and she will become Program Manager of Yale Camerata. However, Rachel has been very supportive to Trinity and Walden by negotiating a gradual transition. For this upcoming academic year, 2022/23, she will work 50% at the ISM and 50% at Trinity.

  • Linda Becconsall, our Trinity Business Manager, will be transitioning out of our office. She is planning to move closer to her parents in Florida.

  • Finally, Georgia Cosgrove, our Development Officer, will retire from Trinity at the end of September, which she was a plan she had been contemplating for a while.

Change is never easy and staff transitions can be hard, but there is also tremendous gratitude for the wonderful team spirit and collaboration every one has engaged in. Special thanks to Rachel, Georgia, and Linda for the extra efforts during these very challenging years of the pandemic: a purse is available at the office to honor their work at Trinity. Contributions can be sent to the office with mention of their name. Rachel’s celebration will be for later in 2023.

To ensure church business, we have hired a new accountant: Ms. Janel Crite, CPA. Ms. Crite is a certified public accountant with a Masters of Business Administration degree from the University of New Haven and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting from Lynchburg College. In her spare time she enjoys reading, traveling, and running. We welcome Janel to Trinity and look forward to working with her!

Kyle Picha