New Weekly Course on Celtic Spirituality to be offered via Zoom starting 10/5

Throughout the last year we read together several very meaningful books, ending with a great teaching on Celtic Spirituality back in March/April. Among other things, we learned how deeply connected the old Celts were with nature, and how they recognized God in nature. In this new course we are going to read together Karen Armstrong’s latest book: Sacred Nature: Restoring Our Ancient Bond with the Natural World. In this book the author takes us via a timeline of sorts from ancient eastern civilizations to our world today in an attempt to show us how other folks think about the Divine and nature, how we, especially in the west, have lost that connection, thereby separating the Divine from nature, and she gives us some practical advice on how to restore this special bond with the natural world. She cares deeply about what is happening to our world today and believes that we can reverse some of the harm done through a new or renewed understanding of how everything is connected.

The book is available from most booksellers. It costs around $28 for the hardcover, it is unavailable in paperback for the time being, but it is available for Kindle ($15). If the cost of the book is a hardship, please contact Lilian ( Any other questions should also be addressed to Lilian.

The course will take take place via Zoom on Wednesdays from 5pm – 6pm, starting Wednesday, October 5.

To register, please email Lilian Revel (

Kyle Picha