This Sunday is Choir Recognition Sunday!

This Sunday, June 18, at the 10:30 am service, we'll recognize the work of the Choir of Adults and Girls, The Choir of Men and Boys, and our directors and organists. We'll also say a special thank-you to Rachel Segger as she completes her term as Music Program Manager and takes a new position at the Yale Institute of Sacred Music. Our thanks to these choir members, their parents, our clergy and church staff, and to all who work together in these programs:

Boys Choir: Owen Messing, Henry Reed, Julian Wilson, Louis Young

Choirmen: Nathaniel Adam, Paul Berry, Quinby Berry, David Blair, Louis Brenner, Mead Franz, Teo Hernández, Jaden Lee, Kyle Pica, Pat Rossiter, Elyot Segger, Kyle Song

Girls Choir: Sowmya Boddupalli, Rachel Hambly, Ailene Lee, Emma MartinMooney, Daniela McTiernan Huge, Emma Reed, Toast Reed, Freya Sansing, Ada Semmel, Alexandra Spasov, Sekai Tengatenga, Miniya Turner

Adults of the Choir of Adults and Girls: Nathaniel Adam, Constance Cahill, Margaret Coons, Hannah Melchinger, Kyle Picha, Sarah Reed, Pat Rossiter, Ramsey Scott, Elyot Segger, Kevin Urban, Stefan Weijola

Music Staff: Walden Moore, Rachel Segger, Nicolaas Tjoelker, David Preston

We also wish to express our gratitude to the parents and families of our choristers who have demonstrated constant and patient support throughout the year. Special recognition is due to our heard-working Head Choir Parents:

Sarah and Jon Reed (Boys Choir) | Jay Choi and Sangwon Lee (Girls Choir)

Kyle PichaComment
Camp Washington seeking camp counselors!


We need you!

We are looking for young adults ages 18+ to join our staff this summer at Camp Washington.

We are in desperate need of a few more female and male identifying cabin counselors.


  1. A sense of adventure

  2. A willingness to share joy, love, and their individual talents with our campers and staff

  3. A desire to laugh, work hard, and make life-long friends

  4. A passion (or desire) to work with children

  5. A love of the outdoors, and God’s creation

  6. Availability: June 18-August 13

  7. Room, meals and salary

And, some incentive for you:

  1. If you connect us and we hire the person, we will offer you a free week of Performing Arts Camp to give to a camper in your parish or community!

  2. If you want to connect the potential counselor directly to our website: and then let us know.


Registration for Summer Camp is still open, and we have plenty of room in most sessions.

PLEASE help us by sharing news about Camp opportunities in your bulletins, websites, and networks. Need based financial aid is available for ALL who need it. Please be in touch if that is a concern. Here is all the information about the summer:

We need your help to spread the word, encourage families to send their kids to camp, create opportunities for families who need the extra help. And, if you are one of those parishes experiencing a lack of youth and families at the moment- what about reaching into your community? What a safe, easy way to evangelize and bring youth closer to God’s unconditional love and grace. It takes all of us, together, to make this work.

Please reach out with any questions.

Thanks in advance for your partnership and support.

Peace and Gratitude,

Bart Geissinger Kallie Handlong

Executive Director Programs Director

Kyle PichaComment
Community Flower Arrangements: Bring flowers to church on Sundays this Summer!

Bring your Own Flowers

Do you love to see fresh flowers on the altar?

Throughout the summer, bring flowers from your own garden to place in a vase at the back of the church as you enter, combining them with any flowers that others have brought. We will bring the vase forward along with the bread and wine at the beginning of communion, a symbol of the “gifts” that we offer to God.

Questions? Email Rev. Heidi (

Kyle PichaComment
Trinity's summer schedule begins this Sunday!

With arrival of balmy summer weather, many of us look forward to the end of the school year, travel, and more time outdoors. Join us at Trinity on the Green for our summer services starting this Sunday, May 28th. Services for the summer months will consist of:

  • 7:45 a.m.: Holy Eucharist, Rite I

  • 10:30 a.m.: Holy Eucharist, Rite II (Livestreamed)

  • 2:00 p.m.: Chapel on the Green (Outdoors)

The 10:30 a.m. service will be livestreamed, allowing you to join us from anywhere. While the three full choirs are on hiatus starting on June 4th, our 10:30am services will benefit from the musical leadership of the Summer Choir. This schedule will run through the Parish Picnic in September.

We look forward to welcoming you and sharing another wonderful New England summer together.

To account for the summer slow down, Trinity’s full eNews will be sent every other week with a brief summary of services (including relevant links and bulletins) sent on off weeks.

Kyle PichaComment
Second Mission Conversation: Sunday, May 28th

Second Mission Conversation

This Sunday May 28, 11:45am, in the Undercroft, we will meet for our second conversation about Trinity’s mission. Post-pandemic life in general and our parish in particular has gone through a number of changes that invite us to reignite our sense of mission. Who are we as Trinity parish and how do we feel called by God to engage in our community?

Last week we had a very special conversation thanks to the amazing leadership of Miroslav Volf who helped us explore our mission with the metaphor of home as God’s dream for our lives, that we may feel at home in God. This Sunday, a team of Trinity members who have been working on the topic of Re-imagining church, will lead the conversation. Come and join us this Sunday.

Kyle PichaComment
AnnaDea Diotalevi joins Trinity staff as new Development Manager

AnnaDea Diotalevi joins Trinity as our new permanent Development Manager to continue the groundwork for broadening the church’s fundraising efforts and base of support.

AnnaDea is tasked with implementing strategic fund-raising goals to guide the Vestry, lay leaders, and clergy in a comprehensive strategy for enhancing annual and planned giving to support Trinity’s operations, outreach programs, and worship experience. She brings to the position experience working with a range of secular nonprofit organizations to build annual giving programs and secure major gifts from individuals, foundations, corporations and service organizations.

At Trinity, she hopes to help coordinate, streamline and provide resources to enhance fundraising efforts of groups within the church. AnnaDea and her fiancé, Theodore, recently moved to Norwalk from New York City. In addition, AnnaDea enjoys art museums and hiking with the family dog, Magnolia. Please reach out to her at if you have fundraising ideas or would like her to assist with event planning.


Kyle PichaComment
Yoga at Trinity resumes in-person and on Zoom next Wednesday

Yoga means to “yoke” or “unite,” and is more than just a physical exercise of movements and postures (asana). It is a practice to bring together our bodies, souls, and minds in order to strengthen our connection to the divine. Phylis Iqbal was born in Lahore, Pakistan and grew up in Cheshire, CT. She began practicing yoga in 2008. She completed a 200 hour yoga teacher training program in 2020 and is currently completing an additional 300 hour training program. Phylis has been a member of the Trinity community since 2015, is a current Vestry member, and actively involved with many of Trinity’s volunteer committees. Beginning on Wednesday, May 24th at 6 PM, you can join her each week both in-person in the undercroft or on Zoom to participate for an asana practice via Zoom. This is a practice for all abilities and bodies. Please contact Phylis at or by calling/texting at 203-606-4249 if you have additional questions or require any accommodations.

Zoom Meeting ID: 722 977 6270

Passcode: Meeting1!

Kyle PichaComment
Music Program Manager Rachel Segger to leave Trinity on the Green for Institute of Sacred Music on June 4th

As the calendar rounds the corner into the summer months, it is with no small amount of regret that we note that our music program manager, Rachel Segger, will be leaving her post for a position with the Institute of Sacred Music. Rachel has been a dedicated and passionate member of our Trinity staff, moving behind the scenes to make the music program run smoothly. Her work has been invaluable, particularly through the many pivots demanded by COVID-19.

Rachel's last Sunday as a staff member will be on June 4th. We invite you to join us in celebrating her at this Sunday service, which is also Choir Recognition Sunday, and expressing our deepest appreciation for her contributions to the music program. Her talent and dedication will undoubtedly be an asset in her new role, as they most certainly were here.

Although Rachel will be leaving Trinity on the Green, she has graciously agreed to remain involved in our choir recruiting efforts. We are grateful for her ongoing support as the choirs continue to recover from the challenges of the pandemic and grow into the future.

Please mark your calendars for June 4th and join us to celebrate. We wish her all the best in her new chapter and thank her for all she's contributed to writing the story of Trinity to date.

The church office will be collecting a purse for Rachel. If you feel moved to make a contribution, please visit:

Kyle PichaComment
Chapel on the Green needs volunteers! Help pack lunches on Sunday, May 28th.

Chapel on the Green needs your help! On Pentecost Sunday, May 28th, we need volunteers to help us serve sack lunches after the Chapel on the Green worship service from 2:30-3:00. The meal is an integral part of feeding the CotG community in body, mind, and spirit, and we would be so grateful for your help. Please email Lisa Levy, Outreach Coordinator, at with questions or to sign up. Thank you!

Kyle PichaComment
Parents - and all adults - invited to discussion of the Sacraments

Parents -- and any Trinity adults! -- gather in our Upper Room at 9:35 AM this Sunday while the children and teens meet in the Undercroft. A brief, theological video is shown, and a discussion follows. "Animate: Practices" is a program designed for adults and will focus this time on "Sacraments: A Tapestry of Traditions." Thank you, Heather Cochran, for leading the group this month!

Kyle PichaComment
"Journey Together" with CYFM this summer!

This weekend, "travel bags" are being distributed to families as we "Journey Together" in faith this summer. The bag contains activities and faith-related resources as well as special invitations to events and gatherings throughout the summer. Get yours May 21 or May 28. Contact Angela Arpino with any questions or to reserve a bag for your family,

Kyle PichaComment
Louise Erdrich's "The Night Watchmen" to be last Trinity Book Group feature until the fall

The last Trinity Book Group book being discussed for this year is The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich. It is set in the 1950s and was inspired by Louise Erdrich’s grandfather, who motivated and inspired other members of the Turtle Mountain Tribe of Chippewa, to resist the Indian termination policies of the 1940s-1960s. The book was awarded the Pulitzer prize for Fiction in 2021

We are meeting in person and on zoom on Monday, June 5th at 4:00pm at the home of Carolyn Gould in North Haven. Please contact Jenny Briggs if you would like to join us and for further information.

Kyle PichaComment
"Of Many One" Art Show Opens Sat. with performances by Ekklesia & Cuatro Puntos

Trinity on the Green New Haven will present an Art Exhibit, Of Many One, exploring immigrant experiences in celebration of the diverse people that came together to create our great nation.

The exhibit will open Saturday, May 20th with an opening reception starting at 6pm featuring performances by Ekklesia Ballet, Cuatro Puntos Ensemble, and the noted Iraqi composer Ameen Modad. Artists are encouraged to attend the opening.

The Exhibit will be on display at Trinity on the Green for two weeks from May 20th to June 4th and artists can offer works for sale. Details of the sales process available upon request. For more information please contact Bill Pagano by email:

RSVP for the Opening Night:

Kyle PichaComment
This Sunday: Come sing with us!

No singing experience required! We're bringing our Family Worship Service upstairs on Mother's Day (May 14) and need your help! Our famed choir director, Walden Moore, is leading a choir of families to sing a simple hymn along with Trinity's choir. We have arehearsal at 9:30 AM in the Undercroft to help us prepare. All are welcome to join us. Contact Angela Arpino with questions:

Kyle PichaComment
The Trinity Yarn Works wants you to join us in crafting for the Christmas Market

As we approach the summer months, we hope you are keeping the Christmas market in mind and making things to donate. We are looking for hats, scarves, fingerless gloves and anything else you would like to make and donate.

If you need patterns, please contact Gloria Hoda ( or Candy Carl-Stanndard ( We are also accepting yarn donations.

Thank you,

Candy and Gloria

Kyle PichaComment
Celebrate "Sacred Earth" in East Rock Park on Sunday, May 21st at 5pm

Sacred Earth Sunday May 21, 5pm Service

The next Sacred Earth Prayer service will take place on Sunday May 21, 5pm, at East Rock Park. On Mother’s Day, Sunday May 14, there is no 5pm service.
May days and spring weather have been so soothing and conducive to prayer and experiencing God’s smile in nature. This Sacred Earth Prayer service will connect with the beauty of spring and the enchantment of nature blooming.
Please note the meeting point will be at the Mill River bridge on the corner of Livingston Street and East Rock Road (GSP 410 Livingston St, New Haven, Ct). This service will include some walking and will require walking capacity as well as foot ware that fits your comfort zone for a walk in the park.
One additional note to further the understanding of outdoor prayer, this Sacred Earth Prayer service seeks to connect with the ‘other’ book of God, the one book being the well-known Bible, but the ‘other’ or first book being creation itself. Come and join us.

Kyle PichaComment
Trinity Players to offer Neil Olsen's "RETURN TO BABEL" as May 21st Sermon Drama



The Trinity Players will offer a special Sermon Drama during the 10:30 service on Sunday, May 21. RETURN TO BABEL by Neil Olsen will be performed to celebrate Pentecost, which is known as the Church’s Birthday.

BABEL is an entertaining and thought-provoking one act play. Taking place in heaven, theologians from all times bring their books to be burned because of their mistakes. The Holy Spirit is called, arrives, and is not what you expected, to say the least! And the Birthday Party begins. Please invite your friends to enjoy this memorable event.

The cast and crew include, Pat Clendenen, Jeanne Kerr, Doris Manseau, Warner Marshall, NeilOlsen, Lisa Omark, Jeremy O’Neill, Lisa Sandine, Max Sklar, and is directed by Rev. Robert Sandine.

Kyle PichaComment