ECCT to offer Becoming Beloved Community Advent study series

As Advent is a season of preparation for the inbreaking of Jesus, the Episcopal Church has developed an Advent study series to help us reflect on how we are preparing to make flesh the Beloved Community of God's dream. Each week will we look at the lectionary readings for the preceding Sunday.

The Rev. Rachel Thomas will facilitate the Monday evening group, which will take place on Zoom from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm beginning November 28. Email her at to receive the link.

The Rev. Jill Morrison and the people of Christ Church, Quaker Farms, will be sharing a meal together on Thursdays beginning at 6:00 pm, followed by the study at 7:00 p.m. Anyone is welcome to join them; December 1 will be their first session. More information can be found by emailing

Rachel Thomas

Region Missionary in Southeast and South Central ECCT


Cell: 860-316-8184

Commons: 203-639-3501 x 153


Check out the region at: (Southeast) or (South Central)

Facebook: @SoutheastRegionECCT

Instagram: southeastregion_ecct

SE Region Bridge & BLT, SC Region Newsletters: sign up at

Register here for SE & SC Convocation: Town Hall with our Bishops

Kyle Picha
Trinity Players to present A Child's Christmas in Wales Dec. 10

A Child’s Christmas in Wales!


The Trinity Players will offer a special theater event, raising funds for Trinity ministries. Food and Theater will be served in The Undercroft beginning @ 5PM.

The Players continue their annual tradition of reading

Dylan Thomas’ nostalgic prose poem. It takes place in the poet’s memory. Wales is a place where it is always snowing at Christmas. It is a place where there are always uncles at Christmas. The same uncles eating until they nearly burst their buttons and then sleep. It is the sort of poem that once heard becomes part of your memory, calling up a small town in Wales by the two-tongued sea. Following the reading and the solos, we will all sing carols.

The Food: Organized by Gloria Hoda. Enjoy snacks, wine, and holiday beverages.

The Cost: Donations for this fundraiser are $20 per person or $50 if you would like to be a sponsor. They will be available online soon. With limited seating in The Undercroft, get your tickets early. Children are welcome. Another fun night at TRINITY.

The Cast and Crew includes Patrick Clendenen, Jeanne Kerr, Marika Kuzma, Rich Lamere, Doris Manseau, Neil Olsen, Mike, Reynolds, Lisa Clendenen Sandine, and Robert Sandine.

Solo music: by Hannah Melchinger and Kyle Pica.

Kyle Picha
Trinity's choirs will adopt a Mask-Optional policy starting November 20th

The singers and choir families of Trinity on the Green received the following notice this week:

“After considering current local COVID infection and hospitalization rates, and after consultation with the medical professionals that have been advising us since COVID first came around, as of Sunday 20 November Trinity’s choirs will adopt a MASK-OPTIONAL POLICY and will no longer require masking for singing or in choir social settings. No one will be required to remove their mask and anyone who is more comfortable remaining masked is welcome to do so. Parents should instruct their children on their preference.

We ask that everyone use care and common sense when deciding whether or not to wear a mask. If you are running a fever along with symptoms of illness, please stay home. Even if fever is not present, if you are exhibiting cold-like symptoms, coughing, or recovering from a cold, please wear a mask as a courtesy to others, both in singing and in choir social settings, until symptoms are gone.

The change to our masking policy outlined above assumes that, to the best of their knowledge, all singers are COVID-negative and are not close contacts. The change does not affect our policies with regard to close contacts and positive cases within the choirs themselves:

  • Any singers who are a close contact should wear a mask in all settings at choir for a period of ten days after the possible exposure.

  • If any singer in any of the choirs tests positive, then all members of that choir must return to masking in all choir settings for ten days after the possible exposure. Any choir dinners scheduled during the 10-day masking period will be cancelled.

  • When required due to one of the above circumstances, masks must be KF94 or better. Masks worn during services or concerts, whether required or by a singer’s choice, must be white.”

Kyle Picha
Trinity Yarn Works: Prayer Shawls & Christmas Markets

Sunday, October 30 - 11:30 am - 12:30 

Trinity Undercroft

We welcome all who love to work with yarn – knit or crochet.  We make Prayer shawls to be distributed to those who are in need of comfort – grieving, illness or other. 

We also create things like hats, scarves, mittens, and other items for the Christmas Market.  We have lots of patterns to share and are available to help you learn to knit or help you with patterns.  Always open to suggestions for other items.

If you have anything ready to donate, please bring it to this meeting so that we can prepare for the Market!

Contact:  Candy Stannard or Gloria Hoda

Kyle Picha
Being Grand: Cookie Baking with Children

“Being Grand” Cookie Baking with Children

Older Parishioners (65+) are invited to share their baking skills and knowledge with Trinity children and families as we make and freeze baked goods for the “Cast Party” following the Christmas Pageant. Join us Saturday, December 3, from 11 am-2 pm (includes lunch) in the Undercroft. Contact Angela to sign up!

Kyle Picha
Preparing the Music Director's Transition

Looming large over this year will be discussions of Walden Moore's plans for his well-earned retirement and Trinity's search for his successor. It is difficult to imagine a Director of Music at Trinity other than Walden Moore, who has been our beloved organist, choir director, youth minister, coordinator of liturgy, unordained priest and prayer warrior in service of so many people’s happiness and soul wellness. As we approach Walden's transition, we proceed inspired by his example and love for Trinity’s music ministry.At our annual Parish Meeting on Sunday October 9, 11:30 a.m. in the Undercroft, we will start the parish-wide conversation on the different steps to consider and the timeline to observe, for both the process toward hiring Walden’s successor as well as the preparation of celebrating Walden’s legacy. Upon his retirement in 2024, Walden will have served at Trinity for forty years! 

To encourage everyone’s participation in this conversation and process, we invite you to share your thoughts, hopes, and wishes for the future of our music program. This link will bring you to brief questionnaire where you can provide your feedback and that will also ask you if you would like to be involved in the music committee at this time. On behalf of the Rector and the Vestry, the Music Committee will coordinate both the celebration of Walden Moore’s legacy as well as the search for Trinity’s next Director of Music.

Click here to contribute your opinions

Kyle Picha
Sacred Earth Evening Prayer: Sunday, October 23 @ East Rock Park

This Sunday we are meeting outdoors for a Sacred Earth Prayer time at the College Woods East Rock Park pavilion (location of our last picnic). [Link:,-72.9117627,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xcf222d17c2d07b8e!8m2!3d41.3255445!4d-72.9117627 ] For the outdoor gathering please bring hiking boots and raincoats. All are welcome! .

On Sunday evenings Trinity usually celebrates Evensong or Taizé evensong. This fall other Sundays (Oct. 9, Oct. 23, Oct. 30, Nov. 20, Nov. 30, Dec. 11, Dec. 18) will feature "Sacred Earth" evening prayers, where the focus of prayer is to connect with nature.

Centuries old Christian traditions encouraged people to read the two "books" of God's revelation, one being the Bible, the second one being Creation, nature itself. During these "Sacred Earth" prayers we seek to encounter God as God reveals one self through the beauty and power of nature.

Some Sacred Earth evening prayers will be based on the rich tradition of Celtic Prayers. Other Sacred Earth evening prayers will be prayer "in the woods", whereby we gather outside.

The Celtic Prayer evenings will take place at the church on Sundays Oct. 9, Oct. 30, Nov. 20, Dec. 18.

Sacred Earth Prayer evenings will take place outdoors: Oct. 23, Nov. 30, and Dec. 11 we will gather at the College Woods East Rock Park pavilion (location of our last picnic). [Link:,-72.9117627,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xcf222d17c2d07b8e!8m2!3d41.3255445!4d-72.9117627 ]

For the outdoor gathering please bring hiking boots and raincoats.

All are welcome!

Kyle Picha
Memorial Service for Michael Bingham

The late Michael Bingham, beloved member of Trinity parish, will be commemorated on Saturday, October 29th, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. All are welcome to attend in person or in spirit.

Excerpted from his obituary:

“Michael C. Bingham, a man devoted to his family, his church, his work, and his community passed away on October 29th, 2021 in Stratford CT.
Michael was born July 26th 1953 in Beaver Falls, Pa. and spent his early years in Warren, Ohio and Hightstown, NJ. He graduated from Hightstown High School in 1971 and graduated from Colgate University in 1975. After college Michael played in a band called The New Suburbans for several years as he tried to figure out what to do with the rest of his life. He continued to be involved in music and various bands throughout his life, including reunions at Colgate University. Michael first became involved in his love for journalism working for Worcester Magazine in Worcester, Mass. He then settled in New Haven CT and started his own magazine called Business New Haven where he was Editor and part owner. After many successful years there, Michael helped to start a competing business magazine, New Haven Biz.
Michael was a journalism, media studies, and communications professor at Southern Connecticut State University and Sacred Heart University. He also found time to get involved in community activities while living in Stratford including the Historic District Commission and the Old Stratford Neighborhood Association. He continued his music career as a member of several choirs, including the Trinity Episcopal Church choir at Trinity Church, New Haven for many many years. Michael was married to Nancy Monk and was completely devoted to his stepson, Christopher, participating as a coach in many of his son’s sports. An avid sports enthusiast himself, besides being a runner and tennis player, he also participated in one of his favorite pastimes - summer Sunday morning softball at Greene Park in Monterey, MA.
He was predeceased by his parents, Robert and Patricia Gould Bingham; his sister, Patricia Bingham Gibson; and his brother, Peter Bingham. He is survived by his sister Kay Sofet of San Antonio, Texas; his brother Robert Bingham of Richmond, Virginia, his ex wife, Nancy Monk, his son Christopher Monk of Shanghai, China, many nieces, and nephews and many, many friends.”

Kyle Picha
Laundry Love urgently needs your help!

Laundry Love gives out free laundry cards, good for one wash and one dry, to help our neighbors in need. Many of the parishioners who attend Chapel on the Green depend on these cards to be able to clean their clothes and blankets, a service that helps them maintain both their health and their dignity. We are urgently in need of monetary donations to be able to continue this vital program! Please click on this link to donate, and thank you for your support. Contact Lisa Levy, Outreach Coordinator, at with questions.

Kyle Picha
Winter Clothing Drive for Ukraine - Urgent!

We are partnering with our neighbors at St. Michael’s Ukranian Church to collect warm weather items for people in Ukraine facing very cold winter weather in the midst of an energy crisis, and ongoing war with Russia.

Please donate to this cause, leaving items in a labeled box in Trinity’s narthex no later than Tuesday, Nov. 1. They will accept:

  • New Items: hats, gloves/mittens, underwear

  • New or Clean and Gently used: coats, pants, sweaters

You can also drop off items directly at St. Michael’s Church (569 George Street, New Haven, CT) on Saturday between the hours of 10am and 2pm, and Tuesday from 5pm to 7pm. They will be packed the weekend of Nov. 5 and sent to Ukraine by air, through connections at St. Michael’s.

Kyle Picha
Christmas Market: Work Party on Sunday, November 6!

 The Christmas Market needs your help. We need to move the set-up and display items from the basement of the church office, across Chapel Street, and down to the Undercroft. We need as many people as possible to do this job quickly and efficiently. Even 30 minutes of your time would be a big help.


Join us on Sunday November 6 after the 10:30 service. There will be something for everyone to do – even if you cannot carry items. Please come help us out so we can launch the Christmas Market and begin turning our Undercroft into the Christmas wonderland it will be for the opening Champagne Preview Party event on Thursday November 17th.


Please let Leigh know if you have any question

Kyle Picha
Update To Potential Trinity Pilgrims

Update To Potential Trinity Pilgrims:

On advice from those who know best amidst predictions of the pandemic lingering through this winter, 2022-23, we will be postponing our Trinity Pilgrimage Tour to France until the last half of June, i.e. the early summer, of 2024. We expect to be able to announce once again late in the Spring of 2023.  Inconvenience is bothersome, but wisdom will prove best!  


Kyle Picha
IRIS Cultural Companions Program is seeking volunteers!

The IRIS Cultural Companions (CC) Program is seeking volunteers to do weekly visits with individual clients and families in New Haven. Cultural Companions is a wellness program that pairs a refugee or immigrant adult with a volunteer for the purpose of building a friendship, through experiential learning focused on English practice and shared interests. Companions build rapport through visiting and doing activities together. CC volunteers must be committed to investing in relationships with people who may be struggling with challenges related to mental health, financial stress, and cultural adjustment. Two friends or family members can pair up to serve together as CC volunteers with a refugee family. Companions commit to meeting for 2-3 hours per week for 3-6 months. The goals of the program are to reduce isolation and foster community navigation and integration.



❖ Hours per week needed: 2-3 hours per week, for a minimum of three months ❖ Schedule: Flexible ❖ Requirements: Creativity, flexibility, and patience; cultural humility and curiosity to learn and share culture with your companion; empathy and sensitivity with regard to difficulties refugee and immigrant companions may be facing, with an orientation towards supporting their resilience. ❖ Preferred qualification: Previous experience communicating with (and preferably tutoring) people with limited English ❖ Duties: The volunteer is paired with an immigrant or refugee adult of the same gender expression for the purpose of English practice and to be “cultural companions” focused on building a friendship. Volunteers will most importantly serve as friends but also as English learning partners. Volunteers will likely be paired with companions who speak very little English and will need to build rapport through doing activities together, while engaging in experiential learning. ❖ Support: IRIS will provide training and a list of suggested activities with opportunities for experiential learning.❖ Expectations: CC volunteers will do periodic check-ins with IRIS by phone or email and attend a 1-hour monthly Zoom meeting, facilitated by the IRIS CC Allies Team*. These monthly meetings foster a community of support, where participants collaborate to address challenges that arise in cultural companionships and share helpful practices, with the goal of deepening and strengthening CC relationships.

If interested, click HERE to do the general IRIS volunteer application. AND fill out this program-specific Cultural Companions Application.

If you have any questions, please email Ashley Makar,

Kyle Picha
Christmas Markets Update: Seeking UpMarket Boutique Donations and Crafters!

UpMarket Boutique!

It is time to look around your neighborhood, town, or city for local merchants who might like some free publicity by donating to Trinity for the Christmas Market. Consider asking for a gift certificate at places you already frequent - restaurants, hair/nail salon, grocery store, gift shops, etc.

Even easier, think about what YOU can donate - Homemade soup? Cookies? Dinner for 4? Landscape consultation? Fun gift basket full of goodies?

In an effort to streamline this area, all donations will be priced to sell, no bidding this time. There will be a special section of the Market for these donations and other better items that have come in. We hope for an eclectic selection for the new UpMarket Boutique!

Please contact Donna Violante for questions and solicitation forms.

CRAFTS! (the ❤ of the Market)

The ladies of the Wednesday Club have been meeting weekly since January creating handmade crafts to sell at the Christmas Market. They have been making ornaments, filled neck warmers, soup bowl holders, darling little gnomes, and so much more. Are you also a crafter? Do you have items you would like to donate? Please contact Pat Chappell

Kyle Picha
Sunday School is in Session this Sunday!

Sunday Spark (School) This Sunday

Age-appropriate, faith-based classes for 1-12 graders in the Undercroft at 9:30 AM. No registration required. All children -- including grands, nieces and nephews -- welcome to join us! Questions? Contact Angela Arpino,

Kyle Picha
Want to be a part of our Christmas Pageant? Sign ups open through 10/30!

Christmas Pageant: Casting Call and Volunteer Sign-Ups
Now Through October 30

The Pageant takes place on Sunday, December 18.

Would your child or teen like to be part of this Parish tradition? Speaking and nonspeaking parts are available. If yes, contact Angela Arpino by October 30. Would you or another family member like volunteer? We need help with organizing, line coaching, costume preparation, and baking. Grandparents, aunts, and uncles are welcome! Send a message to Angela at if interested.

Kyle Picha
Trinity Players Supper Theater Production Announced for November 5th

There’s Always DRAMA at TRINITY!


The Trinity Players will offer a special theater event, raising funds for Trinity ministries. Food and Theater will be served in The Undercroft beginning @ 6PM.

The Play: THE BOY WITH A CART is a delightful and moving short play adapted by Neil Olsen from Christopher Fry’s longer play. Directed by Rev. Bob Sandine, this is the story of St. Cuthman who built a Church in Steyning, England in the eighth or ninth century, according to the legend, with the help of a stranger who tells Cuthman, “I was a carpenter.”

The Food: Conceived and organized by Deborah Johnson. Enjoy a family style dinner complete with drinks, hors d'oeuvres, meal & dessert-- including a delicious pulled-pork entree with roast potatoes, slaw, & other vegetables, plus a simple dessert that includes real whipped cream! And there's plenty of opportunity for helping with meal preparations & serving for those who want to help-- look for the sign-up poster in the undercroft or contact Deborah Johnson at 203-430-5554.

The Cost: Donations for this fundraiser are $20 or $100 if you would like to be a sponsor. (Includes admission for two). Tickets will be available after Sunday services in late Oct. & Nov. and during office hours; cash or checks accepted. They will also available online soon With limited seating in The Undercroft, get your tickets early. Children welcome. Another fun night at TRINITY.

The Cast and Crew includes Allan Atherton, Peggy Atherton, KC Eichler, Jeanne Kerr, Rich Lamere, Doris Manseau, Warner Marshall, Neil Olsen, Max Sklar, and Donna Violante.

Kyle Picha
Sacred Earth Evening Prayer: Starting Sunday October 9

On Sunday evenings Trinity usually celebrates Evensong or Taizé evensong. This fall other Sundays (Oct. 9, Oct. 23, Oct. 30, Nov. 20, Nov. 30, Dec. 11, Dec. 18) will feature "Sacred Earth" evening prayers, where the focus of prayer is to connect with nature.

Centuries old Christian traditions encouraged people to read the two "books" of God's revelation, one being the Bible, the second one being Creation, nature itself. During these "Sacred Earth" prayers we seek to encounter God as God reveals one self through the beauty and power of nature.

Some Sacred Earth evening prayers will be based on the rich tradition of Celtic Prayers. Other Sacred Earth evening prayers will be prayer "in the woods", whereby we gather outside.

The Celtic Prayer evenings will take place at the church on Sundays Oct. 9, Oct. 30, Nov. 20, Dec. 18.

On Oct. 23, Nov. 30, and Dec. 11 we will gather at the College Woods East Rock Park pavilion (location of our last picnic). [Link:,-72.9117627,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xcf222d17c2d07b8e!8m2!3d41.3255445!4d-72.9117627 ]

For the outdoor gathering please bring hiking boots and raincoats.

All are welcome!

Kyle Picha
Christmas Market: Get your Tag Sale Items Ready; Drop of Dates Announced!

Christmas Market

November 18, 19, 20, 2022


Start organizing your boxes of goodies to donate to the Christmas Market Tag Sale. A list of the types of items we are looking for is below. Clean and ready to sell please. And let Constance know if you are able to help with pricing and set up.

Donation drop off dates, directly to the Undercroft:

Nov. 6 - 9:00 am - noon

Nov. 7 - 11, 9 am – 4 pm, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 4-7pm

Nov. 12, 9:00 am - noon

Please donate clean, working, “like new” items listed here:

  • Kitchenware/ appliances/housewares

  • Small furniture

  • Art

  • Kids toys and games

  • Holiday décor

  • Home/yard décor

  • Linens

  • Jewelry

  • Craft supplies

  • Personal Accessories (purses, scarves, etc.)

  • New items that need a new home are especially welcome

We cannot accept these items:

  • Clothing

  • Books

  • Records/CDs

  • Movies (VHS, DVD, BluRay)

  • Electronics

Questions about the Tag Sale? Please contact Constance at

Question about the Christmas Market in general? Please contact Leigh

Kyle Picha