YAE Winter & Spring Events

Our recent planning meeting led to a number of things to look forward to in the coming months. Mark your calendars for the following YAE events (for young adults ages 21 to 39ish). For more questions about YAE, talk to Rev. Heidi or email yaeforjesus@gmail.com.

Sunday, February 2, 12:45 p.m. – Prepare and serve food for Chapel on the Green

  • We will meet in Trinity’s undercroft at 12:45 p.m. to prepare sandwiches to serve at the 2 p.m. outdoor service. Diana Nunez will be bringing arepas, which we will warm and also serve.

  • Help at Chapel on the Green is especially helpful in the cold winter months, when volunteers can be scarce. Let us know if you plan on joining on Feb. 2! Reply to yaeforjesus@gmail.com

  • Do you feel moved to preach that day? Sermons at Chapel on the Green are about 5 minutes long, extemporaneous. Be in touch with Heidi for more information: hthorsen@trinitynewhaven.org

Tuesday, March 4, 7:30 p.m. Archie Moore’s Trivia

  • A YAE favorite—food is on us!

Friday, April 4, 5:30 p.m. – Stations of the Cross

  • We will continue our annual tradition of walking the Stations of the Cross, set in a new outdoor location (TBD) in the community. Dinner to follow.

Sunday, May 4, 1 p.m. – Next planning meeting

  • Join us at Atticus Market on Orange. We’re hoping for good weather!

Augie SeggerComment