Welcome People to Trinity: Become an Usher!

How do I sign up?

Speak to David Assis or email him (david.n.assis@gmail.com). You can also speak to any usher.

Can I pick my own schedule?

You will be asked to identify days that you are available to usher. A schedule will then be sent to all ushers.

What do ushers do?

  • Arrive at 10 a.m. (or close to) for the 10:30 service

  • Greet people as they enter.

  • Give them a bulletin

  • Offer to show them to a seat.

Anything else?

Ushers pass the collection plates and bring them to the altar. They may be asked to count the congregation and regulate Communion.

What is the commitment?

One service every 6 to 8 weeks. It depends on the number of ushers available.

What if I can’t make my scheduled day?

It is best to email all the ushers and ask someone to substitute for you. People are very willing to exchange dates or to just volunteer to take your place. You can also email David (see email above).

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