Trinity to St. Luke's on Sunday, October 15

On the morning of Sunday, October 15, our Trinity community will join St. Luke's Episcopal Church, New Haven, for worship. There will be no morning services at Trinity.

St. Luke's was formed in the early nineteenth century when actions and decisions led a group of Black parishioners to leave Trinity and form their own church. In recent years, members of St. Luke's and Trinity on the Green have been working together to explore our common and interrelated history, to worship and pray together, and to practice the wisdom of racial healing and reconciliation.

In this spirit, we humbly, wholeheartedly, and joyfully accept St. Luke's invitation to worship together on their patronal feast day. We will join as an entire congregation, bringing with us our love, energy, and care for racial healing. Words cannot express the importance of such a common worship time. Please join the Trinity family at St. Luke's on Sunday, October 15, as we renew our commitment and support to the work of God's grace working among us.

Services at St. Luke's:

9:15 a.m. – Bible Study (Parish Hall)

10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist (Nave)

11:15 a.m. – Festive Coffee Hour (Parish Hall)

Services at Trinity:

2:00 p.m. – Chapel on the Green

5:00 p.m. – Choral Evensong

Augie SeggerComment