This Sunday: Bible Study in the Upper Room

Starting this Sunday, join us for a weekly Bible Study at 9:30 a.m. in the Upper Room (above the narthex). The sessions will explore the lectionary texts for the day through the lens of different themes. Led by seminarians and clergy, we hope to provide a personal and devotional space for conversation on Sunday mornings.

From now through Lent, our Bible Study theme will be the Way of Love, a series of seven practices rooted in the Episcopal tradition. Come as you are and we will read and discuss the text together!


  • Jan. 28: Turn (Mark 1:21-28)

  • Feb. 4: Pray (Mark 1:29-39)

  • Feb. 11: Learn (Mark 9:2-9)

  • Feb. 18: Go (Mark 1:9-15)

  • Feb. 25: No Bible Study – Confirmation Class

  • Mar. 3: Worship (John 2:13-22)

  • Mar. 10: Bless (John 3:14-21)

  • Mar. 17: Rest (John 12:20-33)

  • Mar. 24: No Bible Study – Confirmation Class

  • Mar. 31: No Bible Study – Easter Sunday

Augie SeggerComment