Submit a Recipe for Trinity's Cookbook!

As part of our summer sermon series on the relationship between food and faith, we invite members of our community to submit recipes to a shared Trinity Cookbook. Our hope is to sell copies of this book at our 2024 Christmas Market. Multiple submissions are welcome!

From July 14 to August 18, six preachers will reflect on the relationship between food and faith through the lens of personal storytelling and scripture. All preachers will submit a recipe alongside their sermon, which ties in with the themes of the sermon in some way.

July 14 – William Margraf

July 21 – Rev. Heidi Thorsen

July 28 – Lisa Levy

August 4 – Rev. Luk De Volder

August 11 – Faith Kasor

August 18 – Rev. Peter Sipple

Augie SeggerComment