Parish Picnic Information

Mark your calendars for our annual Parish Picnic on Sunday, September 8! We'll gather at the Harbor Pavilion of Lighthouse Point Park at 10:30 a.m. for a service of Holy Eucharist with a lunch provided by Koffee Katering to follow. A donation of $10 per person is requested to defray the cost of the meal. Please be prepared to pay in exact bills or via credit card at lunch. You can RSVP and place your order(s) by clicking HERE.

Parking at Lighthouse Point Park is free to New Haven registered vehicles and $25 for non-resident vehicles. Trinity has reserved a block of 35 passes to park at Lighthouse Point Park for non-resident vehicles, which can be claimed at the entrance to the park on Sunday morning. Please only claim these passes if you are not already eligible to park for free. Please also consider carpooling with other parishioners.

Augie SeggerComment