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YAE Stations of the Cross

Young Adult Episcopalians (YAE) invites young adults (ages 18-39ish) to join us for:

Stations of the Cross | Friday, March 17 at Edgerton Park

Meet at 5:30pm at the fountain in Edgerton Park for a walking, place-based Stations of the Cross, and then join us afterwards for dinner at St. Thomas Episcopal Church. RSVP is encouraged - email to let us know if you plan on joining.

Sign up to contribute a reflection - Each of our stations is accompanied by a scripture reading, prayer, and brief reflection (2-3 minutes, can be shared in the moment or written down in advance and read, whatever is your comfort level). People also have the option to connect the location of their reflection to the meaning behind the text and station (optional).

We hope that someone different will sign up to offer each of our 7 reflections. See options at this Google Doc, and add your name or email to sign up!