"Bless" | Reflection by Bob Windom

In the contents of my faith, a blessing is a gift from God that strengthens my relationship with the eternal. This may be at odds with what many would think as a blessing. Often, when a job performance is rewarded, an achievement is recognized or things are going well, we say that we are blessed. But in these situations, there is little room for God to enter and be present. I believe that God is with us in the celebration, but do we seek God at these times? To be blessed is to be with God who is there both when things go well as when they go awry. How does this thought connect with a photograph of Willa, my granddaughter, captured in a moment of imagined play: a tea service between an inanimate but beloved Bear and an animated lady of the house. Within this montage I feel the blessing of a God manifested in the silly sentiment of child’s play. On a deeper level, to be blessed is to see and connect with God in the ordinary times.

Photo Credit: Cornell Watson

Heidi Thorsen