"Witness" | Reflection by Bob Dorland (Vestry Class of 2023)


If ever there was a word that encapsulates our collective experience during these past twelve months, it is Witness.

We have been witness to and in many cases suffered from, the almost unbearable effects that this terrible pandemic has wrought upon us and the rest of the world. And yet, in spite of the grim toll that it has reaped, we have seen an outpouring of collective community sharing and assistance. And we have found ways of communicating, which although second best to actual in person contact, in many cases allowed members of the Trinity community the previously unavailable ability to share in the life of the church.  

Not only did we witness the disproportionate toll that the pandemic brought upon disadvantaged Americans; we were forced to watch in horror, the brutal and disturbingly casual murder of George Floyd that spotlighted a stark reality - Americans of color are subject to a different justice system than white Americans. And yet once again, we also witnessed a collective outpouring of grief and deeply held concern, evidenced by the peaceful protests of thousands of demonstrators of all ages and ethnicity.

And at the end of the day, we can be witness to the beauty of nature and a reminder that God’s light shines forth. And from Acts 22; “For you will be a witness for him to everyone of what you have seen and heard”.     


Words in the Wilderness - Walk through the season of Lent with Trinity, one word at a time. Every day (except on Sundays) we will post a photo and a brief refection written by someone in our Trinity community. https://www.trinitynewhaven.org/words-in-the-wilderness

Heidi Thorsen