Join Us! A Reflection a Day throughout Lent

Walk through the season of Lent with Trinity, one word at a time. Every day (except on Sundays) we will post a photo and a brief refection on Facebook and on this blog from a Trinity parishioner responding to a Lenten "word of the day." These words are chosen from the weekly lectionary texts, and are chosen to help us embrace Lent as a season of repentance and restoration.

Participate! Here's how:

(1) Sign Up - Email Heidi ( if you are interested in doing a Lenten word reflection; if you'd like you can sign up for a specific word / day on the list here.

(2) Prepare your Reflection - your reflection consists of two parts, a photo and some text to accompany it. The photo is a photo you've taken, either in the past or for the sake of this exercise. It can be a view from your window, a photo from a family album, a photo of an art work - anything that reminds you of the word you are reflecting on. The text is a short reflection (around 150 words) on the word of the day. You can tell a story related to the word, reflect on the word, or share a favorite Bible text or piece of writing that relates to the word of the day.

(3) Send your Reflection - All reflections are due the Sunday before the day you sign up for. Email your photo and the text to Heidi ( and we will share it on Facebook, with attribution!

Date | Word

February 17, 2021 dust
February 18, 2021 return
February 19, 2021 offering
February 20, 2021 hungry
February 21, 2021 SUNDAY
February 22, 2021 remember
February 23, 2021 truth
February 24, 2021 humble
February 25, 2021 wait
February 26, 2021 wilderness
February 27, 2021 repent
February 28, 2021 SUNDAY
March 1, 2021 mercy
March 2, 2021 hold
March 3, 2021 name
March 4, 2021 inherit
March 5, 2021 consider
March 6, 2021 reckon
March 7, 2021 SUNDAY
March 8, 2021 power
March 9, 2021 outward
March 10, 2021 inward
March 11, 2021 witness
March 12, 2021 judgment
March 13, 2021 human
March 14, 2021 SUNDAY
March 15, 2021 pray
March 16, 2021 heal
March 17, 2021 sacrifice
March 18, 2021 trespass
March 19, 2021 grace
March 20, 2021 lift
March 21, 2021 SUNDAY
March 22, 2021 change
March 23, 2021 loving-kindness
March 24, 2021 broken
March 25, 2021 clean
March 26, 2021 serve
March 27, 2021 commandments
March 28, 2021 SUNDAY
March 29, 2021 approach
March 30, 2021 branch
March 31, 2021 release
April 1, 2021 weary
April 2, 2021 anoint
April 3, 2021 tomb
April 4, 2021 EASTER

Heidi Thorsen