Dear Friends of Trinity,
This upcoming Sunday is Giving Sunday. We hope to finalize our Stewardship Campaign soon. Receiving your pledge this week will help us to prepare our 2025 budget will clarity and confidence.
The Trinity community is a gift that each of us receives in a different way. Our youngest members are given the gift of Trinity in the form of baptism and the congregation’s promise to support and guide them as they grow. Our oldest members find in Trinity the gifts of connection, warmth, and homecoming. Still others receive the gifts of welcome, wonder, music, care, spiritual and material sustenance, purpose, prayer, peace, and joy. When we sharein these gifts as a church community, we are all Growing In Faith Together.
We ask for your financial gift in the form of an annual pledge in support of our church community’s continued growth together. It will come as no surprise or secret that costs associated with the fundamental running of the church have risen significantly in recent years. Though many parts of a church budget—building maintenance, website fees, insurance payments—are decidedly unglamorous, they are the rich garden soil in which all of our programs are planted and can put down roots. Your annual pledge, through this foundational support, has a powerful ripple effect into the Trinity community, the New Haven community, and beyond. Your contribution to Trinity supports:
Chapel on the Green, which provides around 100 of our neighbors on the Green with thousands of Sunday meals and a spiritual community that embraces them where they are, as they are.
Music at Trinity, including the new Choristarters program which works with children as young as four to plants the seeds of a musical education and a lifelong love of singing.
Children, Youth & Family Ministry, which provides a spiritual foundation for children as they grow to know God’s love and childcare resources that allow parents to see to their own spiritual wellness.
Luk and Heidi’s leadership of the daily running of Trinity, including a rich liturgical framework with several weekly services, excellent preaching, and pastoral care.
To support the sustainable growth of our community, this year and for years to come, we hope that you will consider doing things a little differently this year. “Differently” might mean pledging for the first time in a while (or ever!), increasing your pledge amount as you are able, or giving of your time and talents. Together, all gifts large and small will nourish our community.
Please make your pledge by clicking the buttons below. There are two options for pledging:
Make a secure pledge online via Realm; or
Download, print, and mail a paper form to 950 Chapel Street, Fl. 2, New Haven, CT 06510.
If you have questions, please email Office Manager Kyle Picha.
Always growing in faith together,
The Stewardship Team