Words in the Wilderness: Sign up now to contribute a reflection!

Prepare for Lent—by signing up to contribute one or more reflections for our Words in the Wilderness Lent Devotional series! Every day (except on Sundays) we will post a photo and a brief refection on Facebook from a Trinity community member responding to a Lenten "word of the day." There are a whole new set of words this year, as we continue to reflect on words from our lectionary readings for the third year in a row.

Participate! Here's how:

(1) Sign Up - Email Heidi (hthorsen@trinitynewhaven.org) if you are interested in doing a reflection, and let us know which word / date you are interested in. You can view a full list of words, or sign up directly by adding your name, in this Words in the Wilderness 2023 Sign Up.

(2) Prepare your Reflection - your reflection consists of two parts: a photo, and some text to accompany it. The photo is a photo you've taken, either in the past or for the sake of this exercise. It can be a view from your window, a photo from a family album, a photo of an art work - any thing that reminds you of the word you are reflecting on. The text is a short reflection (around 250 words) on the word of the day. You can tell a story related to the word, reflect on the word, or share a favorite Bible text or piece of writing that relates to the word of the day.

(3) Send your Reflection - All reflections are due the Saturday before the day you sign up for. Email your photo and the text to Heidi (hthorsen@trinitynewhaven.org) and we will share it on Facebook and our website, with attribution.

Kyle Picha