Trinity's Masking Policy to change March 20th

With updated federal and local guidance on indoor mask wearing, the Trinity community can now begin to move away from mandatory masks at our indoor services.

Our services will be mask optional for all participants (clergy, parishioners, and choir members) from March 20th. It is important to remember in this time that while many of us are extremely relieved to remove our masks, many are also anxious. For some the 20th is a long wait. For others it is too soon. We encourage anyone with concerns to continue masking as suits their comfort or to avail themselves of our streamed services which will continue to be broadcast indefinitely.

Having lived with masks for two years, we've learned how useful they can be. Please wear a mask if you come down with a cold, and please do not come to church if you have any symptoms more specific to COVID, especially fever and changes in smell or taste.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the office if we can be of help during this period of adjustment.

Kyle Picha