St. Luke's to Host "Pop-Up" Vaccination Clinic

From our colleagues at St. Luke’s Whalley Avenue:

”We are hosting our third 'pop-up' vaccination clinic at St. Luke's on April 22, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

We need your help to reach out to people outside our community with word of this free event. Please share the word of this pop-up clinic widely.

People can register at:

This free vaccination clinic is open to anyone who meets current requirements for receiving the vaccine.

We don't know which vaccine will be offered - currently, the Johnson & Johnson vaccination is not available.

Please note we are not well equipped to handle changes of time or cancelations. Everything past the initial sign-up form is done by hand. Once someone has registered, we will - within 24 hours - send a confirmation email that includes your appointment time. Please do not register more than once.

We are continuing to work with the Hill Health Center and the City of New Haven Public Health Department.

This is a free vaccination. Registration closes at noon on Monday, April 19.”

Kyle Picha