SAVE THE DATE: Screening of "The Bell Affair" to shine a light on African American family's fight for emancipation
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“The Bell Affair” Documentary Viewing
Sunday, April 23, 2023, following the 10:30am Service
The event: A viewing of the documentary entitled “The Bell Affair,” an outgrowth of the book A Question of Freedom: The Families who Challenged Slavery from the Nation’s Founding to the Civil War, by William G. Thomas III.
The Bell Affair is an animated documentary, but the story that it portrays is very real, born out of archival documents, the court record, newspaper accounts, and other contemporaneous sources. Below is a guide for each setting of the film and the historical record that informed the decisions made about its portrayal and the events that happened in each of these key places.
Host: Jeffrey H. Tignor
Program Chair: Eleanor Q. Tignor