Easter Flowers: Take home a sign of resurrection!
Easter Flowers:
Take Home a sign of resurrection!
We are looking to share the beauty of the flowers that decorate our altar on Easter Sunday! Email Rev. Heidi (hthorsen@trinitynewhaven.org) if you would like a potted Easter flower for your home!
In your email let us know if you have a preference for what type of flower you would like, and we will do our best to meet your request. Options are:
Medium Lily
African Violet (small, various colors)
Large Lily
Blue Hydrangea
Secondly, let us know if you are able to pick up your flower, or would like it dropped off at your door! We also welcome volunteers to help with delivering flowers to those who cannot pick them up. Flower Pickup times:
Sunday, April 11 from 12:30-1:30pm
Sunday, April 11 from 3-4pm