
Kyle Picha

Communication Director

Communication at Trinity is routed through the desk of Kyle Picha. Kyle came to Trinity as a section leader for the Choir of Men & Girls in 2015, and subsequently, he joined the administrative staff as a database manager and later as communications manager. Questions about Trinity’s website, newsletters, calendars, multimedia resources, social media, and database are welcomed by Kyle, and he’s also a great point of contact for general inquiries or routing specific requests to the appropriate staff person.

Raised in rural Wisconsin, Kyle came to New Haven in 2010 to study at Yale, where he completed a bachelor’s degree in music in 2015. While at Yale, he pursued studies in musicology, arts criticism, writing, and vocal performance and performed with the Yale Glee Club, the Institute of Sacred Music, and the Whiffenpoofs of Yale, with whom he was able to travel and perform in nearly 40 countries on every inhabited continent. Kyle is an active performer, composer, and arranger and can be seen at Trinity supporting the Choir of Men & Girls and the Parish Choir as a section leader.