Children's Chapel
to Jan 1

Children's Chapel

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Children’s Chapel takes place every Sunday during the 10:30 AM Worship Service and features a lesson and activity about one of the week’s readings, but usually the Gospel Story. Children up to age 10 are invited to come downstairs when the announcement is made during the Service and they return during the “Peace,” in time for Holy Communion.

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Families Together: Lenten Activity Stations Begin
to Apr 13

Families Together: Lenten Activity Stations Begin

We begin our Lenten Journey with our popular Activity Stations for all ages. Families are invited to join us in the Undercroft at 9:45 AM for a continental breakfast and to be the first to enjoy and experience these activities focused on the Nicene Creed. Smell the "scents of Lent," paint a Kindness Rock for a local senior center, and more!

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Spirit Quest Youth Group
11:40 AM11:40

Spirit Quest Youth Group

Check out this loving and serving community of 8-11 year olds. Spirit Quest gathers weekly and combines fun, service, and mental wellness activities for our youth as they search for the fruits of the Spirit in this hectic world. Meet in the Undercroft during Coffee Hour.

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Spirit Quest Youth Group
11:40 AM11:40

Spirit Quest Youth Group

Check out this loving and serving community of 8-11 year olds. Spirit Quest gathers weekly and combines fun, service, and mental wellness activities for our youth as they search for the fruits of the Spirit in this hectic world. Meet in the Undercroft during Coffee Hour.

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Donuts & Divinity Youth Group
9:30 AM09:30

Donuts & Divinity Youth Group

Honest and casual conversations about faith, with donuts (and fruit, for those who prefer). Our upcoming conversations will be loosely focused around the themes of: Tradition (March 2), Reason (April 6), and Experience (May 4). Join Rev. Heidi for these conversations and more, the first Sundays of the month.

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Holy Communion Preparation Session #2
9:30 AM09:30

Holy Communion Preparation Session #2

The second of two sessions takes place introducing children to the beautiful sacrament of the Eucharist: Holy Communion. We learn why it is so important to receive Jesus in this way and how it is central to our worship as Episcopalians. Receiving Holy Communion for the first time will hold a special place in our February 23 Family Worship Service.

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Holy Communion Preparation Session #1
9:30 AM09:30

Holy Communion Preparation Session #1

The first of two sessions takes place introducing children to the beautiful sacrament of the Eucharist: Holy Communion. We learn why it is so important to receive Jesus in this way and how it is central to our worship as Episcopalians. The second session takes place on February 9. Receiving Holy Communion for the first time will hold a special place in our February 23 Family Worship Service.

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Donuts & Divinity Youth Group
9:30 AM09:30

Donuts & Divinity Youth Group

On the first Sunday of each month from February until May, teens of our parish (12-18 year olds) are invited to join us for honest, casual conversations about faith with donuts (and fruit, for those who prefer!). Our conversations will be loosely focused on the themes of:

Scripture (Feb. 2)

Tradition (Mar. 2)

Reason (Apr. 6)

Experience (May 4)

Join Rev. Heidi and Seminarian Elishia McAllister for on the first Sunday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the undercroft.

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Storybook Sunday: God's Dream
9:30 AM09:30

Storybook Sunday: God's Dream

Archbishop Desmond Tutu has a vision of God's dream, which he shares here with young listeners. It involves people who reach out and hold each other's hands but sometimes get angry and hurt each other — and say they're sorry and forgive. It's a wish that everyone will see they are brothers and sisters, no matter their way of speaking to God, no matter the size of their nose or the shade of their skin. An activity and discussion follow reading of the book by parishioner Patricia Martin. For children up to age 7 and their adults. 


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Camp Christmas
12:00 PM12:00

Camp Christmas

FREE! Camp Christmas offers lunch and an afternoon of Christmas fun for children up to age 10 including cookie decorating, games, crafts, movies, and gift-making. Older kids and parishioners are welcome to volunteer as activity leaders! Parents enjoy an afternoon of kid-free shopping, gift wrapping, holiday chores, or maybe a nap! Contact Angela if you can help or would like to register your child:

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Acolyte Training for New and Newly-Trained Children and Teens
9:30 AM09:30

Acolyte Training for New and Newly-Trained Children and Teens

Learn what it means to be an Acolyte and to serve God and Trinity parishioners in this way. No commitment required as you and your child explore this ministry. If your child has already decided to serve and has attended at least one training session, please attend this session for further training. Contact Angela or Rev. Heidi with questions prior to December 8.

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Shoe Drive
7:30 AM07:30

Shoe Drive

Gently-used or new shoes are being collected by our Spirit Quest Youth Group for the unhoused and our friends at Chapel on the Green. Boots, sneakers, and all comfortable styles will be accepted before and after all Services. Thank you for your donations!

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