There’s Always DRAMA at TRINITY!
The Trinity Players will offer a special theater event, raising funds for Trinity ministries. Food and Theater will be served in The Undercroft beginning @ 6PM.
The Play: THE BOY WITH A CART is a delightful and moving short play adapted by Neil Olsen from Christopher Fry’s longer play. Directed by Rev. Bob Sandine, this is the story of St. Cuthman who built a Church in Steyning, England in the eighth or ninth century, according to the legend, with the help of a stranger who tells Cuthman, “I was a carpenter.”
The Food: Conceived and organized by Deborah Johnson. Enjoy a family style dinner complete with drinks, hors d'oeuvres, meal & dessert-- including a delicious pulled-pork entree with roast potatoes, slaw, & other vegetables, plus a simple dessert that includes real whipped cream! And there's plenty of opportunity for helping with meal preparations & serving for those who want to help-- look for the sign-up poster in the undercroft or contact Deborah Johnson at 203-430-5554.
The Cost: Donations for this fundraiser are $20 per person or $100 if you would like to be a sponsor. (Includes admission for two). Tickets will be available after Sunday services in late Oct. & Nov. and during office hours; cash or checks accepted. They will also available online soon. With limited seating in The Undercroft, get your tickets early. Children welcome. Another fun night at TRINITY.
The Cast and Crew includes Allan Atherton, Peggy Atherton, KC Eichler, Jeanne Kerr, Rich Lamere, Doris Manseau, Warner Marshall, Neil Olsen, Max Sklar, and Donna Violante.