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"Grab and Grace" Presented by the Trinity Players

Once again, The Trinity Players will offer a special Church Drama event. GRAB and GRACE by Charles Williams will be presented in the Church nave at 11:05AM following the morning service.

GRAB and GRACE is an entertaining and thought-provoking one act play. Instead of a Catholic Morality Play, where Man would be saved by Good Deeds, Williams wrote a Protestant Morality Play, where Man is saved from Pride and Hell, by Faith through the intervention of Grace. Please invite your friends to enjoy this memorable event.

The cast and crew include Emily Hoda, John Hoda, Jeanne Kerr, Geri Thoma Lemert, Doris Manseau, Neil Olsen, Mike Reynolds, Lisa Clendenen Sandine, Ellen Tillotson, and is directed by Rev. Robert Sandine.