Farewell to Walden Moore

This Sunday, June 30, marks Walden Moore's last day as Director of Music at Trinity on the Green. Please join us for our 10:30 service in person or online as he leads our music in worship one last time. Our hearts are heavy knowing that he will no longer be passionately conducting our choirs or effortlessly playing Sister Soosie, but we are grateful that he will continue to offer his gifts to God and the good people of St. John's Episcopal Church, West Hartford, as their Interim Director of Music in the fall.

For 40 years, Walden has formed the minds, hearts, and musicianship of hundreds of young choristers, adult singers, and organists who—even after many decades—look up to his musical prowess, great faith, and generous spirit. Throughout his tenure, Walden has overseen and developed a robust chorister program (one of the few remaining of its kind), fostered excellence and a love of singing in our parish choir, and attended to the many administrative and pastoral needs of our church—all the while serving as lecturer in organ at Yale and guest clinician at choir festivals around the nation. Walden’s unwavering commitment to educating young people also led to the founding of the Choir of Adults and Girls in 2003 and a “long purple line” of organ scholars from the Yale Institute of Sacred Music.

Our prayers are with you, Walden, as you begin your next chapter. May this parish always be a home to you. From the bottom of our hearts, we say thank you!

Come, labor on.

No time for rest, till glows the western sky,

Till the long shadows o'er our pathway lie,

And a glad sound comes with the setting sun,

"Servant, well done!"

Augie SeggerComment