January 27th, 2021





Dear Friends,  


I was mesmerized with what I saw on the frozen pond: a fire, flames, bright light, fireworks, mystery. Whatever it was it held me captive for a while, I couldn’t let go. However intense this fire was it didn’t melt the ice. It coexisted peacefully.  It made me think about the burning bush Moses saw, where the fire didn’t consume the bush. In both cases the fire was symbolic for God, made one with our earthly existence. And we hear it again from Jesus, “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30). Our True Self and God are identical, but you have to long for it. That which you long for, you also are. The bush and the fire are one, the frozen pond and the sun are one. You and God are one, however mysterious that may sound, it is so. Think of the possibilities that implies. Think of the freedom it gives you and the responsibilities it carries. If we then recognize that same union in everybody else, we can come to the conclusion that we all are one in God.  

We have turned a corner and are in a new era now, at least politically. I hope this idea of us all being one carries forth into every aspect of life. Only then will we be able to transform our lives and gradually leave our current period of disorder and enter into a new time of reorder, a new normal, governed by love, gratitude, peace, and reverence for the other. Enjoy a wonder-filled week. 




To You, O Love, I lift up my soul; 
O Heart within my heart, 
in You I place my trust. 
Let me not feel unworthy; 
let not fear rule over me. 
Yes! let all who open their hearts 
savor You and bless the earth! 

Compel me to know your ways, O Love; 
instruct me upon your paths. 
Lead me in your truth, 
and teach me, 
for through You will I know wholeness; 
I shall reflect your light 
both day and night. 

-Nan Merrill, excerpt from “Psalm 25”, Psalms for Praying 




Visualize a still white flame; hold it very still before you, as you breathe gently and quietly. Let no breath or thought give movement to the flame. Then, see that still flame in the center of the Star or the Sun. Know that this little flame is God in you, your spirit, part of the great Sun. Let the brightness of the flame draw you into the heart of the Sun, into Christ.  

(from The Still Voice, A White Eagle Book of Meditation) 




Winter Poem 

  • Nikki Giovanni 


once a snowflake fell 

on my brow and i loved 

it so much and i kissed 

it and it was happy and called its cousins 

and brothers and a web 

of snow engulfed me then 

i reached to love them all 

and i squeezed them and they became 

a spring rain and i stood perfectly 

still and was a flower 


Kyle Picha