Food for the Soul | November 18th, 2020


 Dear Friends, 

 It feels like we have just gone through the ringer, and although we think we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, we are not there yet. Many people I talk to have said that they feel burned out. And it is not from physical exertion – that would probably feel good at this moment – but from total emotional drain from which it is hard to recover. I always try to come back to self-compassion, self-care, slowing down, breathing deeply, and letting go.  

 One of the problems that has plagued us for a long time now is the divisiveness within our society. How can we possibly overcome this and reconcile? One small step would be to stop labeling people, and stop judging them. The more we label and judge others the more we create dualities instead of moving to non-duality. The difficulty is separating a person’s philosophical, religious, and social views from the person itself. A person is not his/her views. We do not have to love their views, but we should reach out and love the person in his/her essence.  Once we can do that it becomes easier to enter into a peaceful dialogue. As we approach Thanksgiving let us make this our priority. It may help us in the enjoyment of the upcoming festivities. 


 Awaken us to the Oneness of all things, 

to the beauty and truth of Unity. 

May we become aware of the 

interdependence of all living things, 

and come to know You in everything, 

and all things in You. 

For as we attune in your Presence within us, 

we know not separation, 

and joy becomes our dwelling place. 


Excerpted from Psalm 106,  

Nan Merrill, Psalms for Praying 


 I always come back to deep silence as a way of self-care and I am so happy I came across the following poem which, I believe, expresses in detail what I mean: 


 Right Here 

by Dane Anthony 

In gratitude to K & G 

 Stop moving. Stand in 

one place – this place. 
Breathe slowly; in, then out. Repeat. 

 Repeat again. Let your 
shoulders sink and relax. Unclench 
your jaw; slowly close your eyes. 

 Listen for your heartbeat; really 
listen. Feel it pulse in 
your fingertips. 

 Lessen expectations. Under-do all your 
efforts. Requisition the time 
for your soul 

 to catch up. Lean 
into the wind; feel it 
like a tree and test the ground. 

 Learn to trust the resilience. 
It would be treason 
to move quickly – left or right – 

 from this place. It is alright to be exactly 
what you are, who you are, where you are. 
Right here, right now. 


Kyle Picha