Food for the Soul | December 16th, 2020



Dear Friends,   

Here in the northern hemisphere we are rapidly approaching the shortest day of the year. It is no coincidence that we celebrate Christmas in this particular season of our cosmic movements. Our ancestors were very cognizant of the seasons of light and darkness. The Druids and Celts observed and celebrated them with deep gratitude and respect. They knew that after the season of darkness the light would return, and with it new life. 

This has been a dark year for many of us, with much pain, loss, and fear. We are tired of the restrictions to our normal social life and we long for the warmth and embrace of loved ones.  

Can we see ourselves as celebrating these days as a season of anticipation and preparation? All of the universe and all of life began in darkness. Then came the stars in the dark sky. Then light came into the world. Once we discover our own light, we can reflect what we find to the people around us. Slowly we begin to recognize that darkness cannot overcome our light, even on the darkest days of this dark year.  



God of awe and wonder, 

From nothing you made creation, 

From darkness you made light, 

And from death you made new life: 


As you came among us long ago  

In your Child Jesus, 

So come among us today, 

And be born in our hearts.  





What will be the "new normal" at the end of the COVID-19 crisis? Will it be similar to the way things were before the pandemic, or will we create a different way of life entirely? And what would that look like? These are the kinds of questions considered by visionaries throughout history. Now they are showing up in conversations among families, friends, and colleagues, and from what we hear, most people want to see political, economic, and societal changes on the other side of the pandemic. This, then, is a good time to write a personal vision statement. Begin by stating the ideal life you want to manifest followed by the values and visions you want to bring to fruition in your life, work, health, relationships, emotions, feelings, and service. This forward pointing document also can include your hopes and dreams for future generations. The spiritual undertow here is a legacy document which can be read or used as an overview of your life. 

(From Spiritual Practices for the Coronavirus Pandemic by “Spirituality & Practice”) 




I Will Light Candles 

Candles of joy, despite all sadness, 
Candles of hope where despair keeps watch. 
Candles of courage for fears ever present, 
Candles of peace for tempest-tossed days, 
Candles of grace to ease heavy burdens, 
Candles of love to inspire all my living, 
Candles that will burn all the year long. 

-Howard Thurman, The Mood of Christmas & Other Celebrations 

Kyle Picha